Bright White Smile
The Natural Way To Whiten Your Teeth
~ by Peter Minkoff ~
You don’t have to be a movie star to have a bright white smile! With the progressive technologies that have spread in virtually all domains of our lives, experts have found ways to correct even the tiniest of flaws we find disturbing and get us our confidence back. And, for those who are not fans of making trips to their doctor’s office, nature has taken care of their needs by providing some great solutions for the issues they might be experiencing.

Is there Help with Horrible Looking Teeth?
A beautiful bright white smile has always been a deal breaker; there’s rarely anyone who can stay immune to the flashy whites, especially when they’re hidden behind a gorgeous set of lips. A crooked smile causes never instilled confidence in anyone and people generally tend to see it as lack of oral hygiene and care which, even if not true, paints a pretty nasty and degrading picture.The good news is, no matter how crooked, yellow or uneven your teeth are, there’s a key to fixing the problem. In the lines below, we are offering you some of the best solutions, placing an accent on our favourite methods.
Natural Methods for a Cinderella Smile
Shine bright – All it takes to achieve the best white smile is to make a paste from baking soda and lemon. You don’t need much, just enough to fit your toothbrush head. Brush your teeth thoroughly and then rinse well. It’s important to rinse as thoroughly as possible, otherwise – you are risking lemon residue irritating your gums. No need to repeat this process more than 2 or 3 times a week.
Yellow is NOT your Colour
Salt and lemon are the perfect mixes to help remove the yellow colour from your teeth. Spread the mixture in the yellow spots teeth and let it sit for no longer than 30 seconds. Rinse well and then brush your teeth regularly.
Love your Strawberries
Salicylic acid contained in strawberries is one of the best-known solutions for whitening teeth. Take 1 tsp baking soda, chop two or three strawberries, mash them into a paste and brush your teeth with your whitening strawberry paste. For a radiant smile, use it 1-2 times a week.
Let me Hear you Say B-A- N-A- N-A- S
The inside of the banana peel contains some amazing minerals (potassium, magnesium and manganese) that absorb “stains” on your teeth and whitens them. Rub the inside crust gently around your teeth for about 2 minutes. To whiten the teeth, repeat the same procedure in the evening or before bedtime… and if you need to remove some heavy stains from your teeth, let the banana peel sit on the teeth a bit longer.
Doctor-Recommended Solutions
When it comes to natural teeth whitening solutions, there’s a lot that can be done at the doctor’s office.They are all very efficient and long lasting but are definitely something you should talk to your orthodontist about prior to booking an appointment. We’re more interested in ways to turn a crooked smile into a gorgeous white smile. Following orthodontists’ advice, we’ve gathered the following.
Braces are the best way to help you fix teeth and turn them straight. Options vary from traditional metal braces to clarity or invisible dental braces, to by far the best option, especially for adults – Invisalign braces. Doctors find that the Invisalign successfully treats dental malocclusions and, unlike most of dental appliances, causes minimal aesthetic inconvenience. One of many benefits of Invisalign stems from the fact that every system is custom-made for the patient’s teeth, so you know you’ll end up with a perfect smile.
For whoever is looking to cross over to the white side, we’ll be waiting!
Thanks to Peter Minkoff, the author of this post, for these invaluable tips on natural ways to a bright white smile.
Klaudia xx