College Health And Fitness Tips
How to Keep Your Fitness Up When Studying Criminal Justice
When it comes to studying criminal justice, it can take its toll not just mentally, but also physically. Sitting in the same spot for hours upon hours with your head in a book isn’t good for anyone, but there are multiple things you can do to improve your fitness when studying criminal justice. ( I focused on the next generation of lawyers, as they usually spend the most time sitting at desks, although the following tips apply to any kind of students, of course.) If you’re starting to feel out of shape, consider the below tips to mix up your studying week – your body will thank you for it later.

1. Diet Well
Make time for the kitchen – there’s no better advice when it comes to health and fitness. If you’re not eating right, your fitness regime is going to take a hit and it will provide no benefits to your body whatsoever. Many students opt for takeaways most evenings and, while there’s nothing wrong with treating yourself from time to time, prepping meals in the kitchen is cheaper and could provide many health benefits.
As a student, it’s also easy to fall into the habit of eating crisps and drinking energy drinks throughout the day because it’s quick and affordable. So, you’ll want to steer clear of this where possible, otherwise it could ruin all the hard work you do when it comes to exercise.
2. Make Time to Exercise
When it comes to studying for an Online MSCJ (masters in criminal justice online), you may think hours and hours of consecutive studying is going to pay off – but it isn’t. There are benefits to having a break from studying and getting down to the gym for an hour or two. Not only will you stay in shape thanks to regular breaks from studying, but you’ll also find it has a positive impact mentally. This will help boost your studying efforts and it could mean you get more studying done in less time.
3. Walk Where You Normally Wouldn’t
Walking isn’t a strenuous exercise – but it is an exercise. If you can undertake at least 150 minutes exercise per week, that’s usually good enough according to experts (some experts believe 20 minutes is enough). If you catch the bus or drive to work normally, consider walking or cycling a couple of times a week to give your body some well-deserved fresh air and a good workout.

4. Set Some Good Fitness Goals
There’s no point in exercising if you’re not going to set time apart from studying. There’s also no point in exercising if you don’t know what you want to achieve. The best way to counter this issue is to write down a list of goals so you can increase your exercising efforts from time to time. Exercising is all about motivation and, if you like a challenge, writing down a list of realistic good fitness goals is a great way to get you on your feet.
It’s a tricky situation when trying to juggle studying with fitness efforts but, by implementing the above tips into your daily routine, you can be sure your efforts will pay dividends in the long run.
Thank you so much for your time!
Take Care

Be sure to check out if your college has a gym on campus, because a lot of them do and they’re included in your tuition so you don’t have to pay. Unfortunately that also means that they’re super crowded pretty much all the time, so you might end up just wanting a gym membership elsewhere anyway. I definitely did!
Great tip, Sarah! Thanks a lot for visiting and taking the time to leave such a useful comment 🙂