5 Dating Trends That Are Shaping 2022
There’s a growth in new dating trends, just as there’s a rise in new relationship vocabulary, such as love-bombing, cuffing, and benching. Now that the lockdown is over, it’s time to go back into the dating world. It’s entirely up to you how you want to find love; from the correct swipe to the right encounter, the possibilities are endless. So, if you’re looking for something new to try, why not look into some of the dating trends that will be popular in 2022?
• dating beyond your typical type
Dating beyond your typical type or exploridating is the new dating trend for everyone who wants to explore the pool of potential matches. This means that you are ready to explore the dating scene and look beyond your usual type. Even though you might frown upon reading this and think that you don’t have a type, well, yes you do. The type doesn’t mean you only date people with blue eyes, it means that your either fall for the same dynamic or a set of traits.
Those who are ready to try exploridating wish to try something new, meet new people and look for emotionally available partners. Emotional availability is what leads to connection, and that’s why single people are looking beyond their typical type.
• being emotionally equal
People who’ve done the required work to heal their childhood traumas, work on themselves and overcome past experiences, are ready to date people who’ve done the same. Emotional equality is another dating trend that is on the rise because people no longer want a project, someone they can fix. Now, they want a person who is open to talking about therapy and working on their mental health. Hinge even said that more than 90% of users expressed their wish to date a person who is seeing a therapist. Moreover, those who are open about their mental health and psychotherapy, are more likely to get a second date.
• new sexperiences
The current pandemic has deprived many people of touch, physical connection and explorative sex. We were stuck in isolation for so long that it comes as no surprise that people are ready to have new sexual experiences. Outercourse is for those who wish to pleasure themselves and their partner without penetrative intercourse.
Those living in the Land Down under can find their pleasure at a Melbourne brothel and experience the awakening of their deepest desires. If Australia is too far away from where you are, you can also explore the benefits of sexual freedom in ethical nonmonogamy or simply update the inventory of your sex toy drawer.
• being consciously single
“I’m single, thanks for asking,” said in a chirpy and confident voice is at the core of being consciously single. People decided to take a stand when it comes to their choice to be single and not look for a partner. At least, for a while, people want to be consciously single and focus on their personal, emotional and spiritual growth. Those who decide to stay single but be conscious about that, have also decided to spend that time on their most precious possession – their life. Finding a partner for consciously single people is not their number one priority and they are fine with saying “no, it will be just me” whenever they’re asked whether they will have some company.
And there is something powerful about owning your beliefs and not settling for the fear of being alone. Instead, people who enjoy their single time are actually showing people that they are in good company and will recognise the right person when they come.
• taking it s – l – o – w
Slow dating is another 2022 dating trend. The reason why people want to take things slow is to try to make the connection first, before heading straight to the relationship, the drama or both. Joke aside, their goal is to know what their relationship goals are, to step away from any type of situationships and move slowly toward a relationship.
With all this in mind, we can conclude that people are ready to take control of their love life, but in a meaningful way. While they get the relationship they want, they are okay with being single, exploring new dating trends and new forms of pleasure.
by guest author Peter Minkoff

Amazing post.