The Different Types Of Anxiety Disorders & Anxiety Attacks
Anxiety Panic Attack Symptoms :

Learning about anxiety attack symptoms is an important step in the recovery process if you suffer from an anxiety disorder. Anyone who suffers from such a disorder is certainly well versed in the types of anxiety disorder symptoms that frequently accompany anxiety attacks ; however , in order to learn to cope with and even overcome these symptoms it is imperative that one must first learn why these symptoms occur in connection with anxiety disorders.
The most common symptom of any anxiety disorder is fear itself . This fear often occurs as a result of a perceived threat. In many cases this fear may only result from a threat that is perceived only and not a real threat . This , however, has no effect on the results of the anxiety attack .

When the human brains senses fear , whether it is real or perceived only , it responds with certain biological responses . These responses prepare the body to either stay and fight the threat or flee from it . This is commonly known as the fight or flight response.
How to define anxiety disorders …
Some of the most common symptoms that can be associated with an anxiety attack as a result of this perception of threat include the following:
– Sweating.
– Hot or cold flashes.
– Nausea.
– Diarrhea.
– Numbness.
– Tingling in the hands or feet.
– Feeling as if you can’t breathe.
– Dizziness.
– Chest pain.
– Fear of losing control.
– A feeling of impending doom.
– Feeling as if you are out of touch.
– Heart palpitations.
– Feeling as if you are about to die.
– Trembling.
In most cases anxiety attack symptoms begin to peak within 10 minutes of the attack beginning and the symptoms will begin to subside within a half an hour of the attack starting . In some cases ; however, it could take several hours for all of the symptoms to completely subside.
Commonly anxiety attacks seem to appear for absolutely no reason . In this regard , they may come completely from out of the blue . Unfortunately, the individual may associate their location at the time of the attack as a cause for the symptoms they experience . As a result they may then begin to avoid that particular location or even situation as a result of fearing the occurrence of another attack . This avoidance can then lead to even further problems such as the development of another disorder known as agoraphobia. ( wikipedia )
The intensity of the symptoms associated with an anxiety attack can be quite frightening . That intensity level can vary from one person to the next and even from one attack to the next . Even children and teenager suffer from anxiety attacks , which is quiet often misdiagnosed as bad behaviour or as a pubertal appearance .

With that said however , it is important to understand that while the intensity of these symptoms is often very frightening the symptoms themselves are not dangerous . Even though the symptoms of an anxiety attack can certainly feel life-threatening it is important to understand they are not. Understanding and accepting that the symptoms of an anxiety attack will not hurt you is one of the first steps toward recovery. In addition , there are techniques that can be used which will reduce the severity and even the frequency of anxiety attacks .
By taking the time to learn about anxiety attack symptoms you can overcome anxiety disorder.
I am really glad you posted this! It’s A great post and I think more people need to be aware of anxiety! I also worry for people with anxiety, because of the dread they go through… But they can be dealt with and rdeuces as long as the person accepts they need to do so xxx 🙂
I’ve only experienced anxiety a couple of times, but I’ve seen friends who’ve been brought to their knees by it.
I’ve had panic attacks at different times in my life and they are a beast. Unless you’ve experienced one yourself, you have no idea how powerful they are. Thanks for sharing this info.