Digital Insanity – We’re Wasting 4 Years Of Our Lives Staring At Our Phones!

Digital Insanity 

We’re Wasting 4 Years of our Lives staring at our Phones!

digital insanity
Digital insanity – we’re spending too much time staring at our phone 

This is digital insanity! We spend more time on our smartphones than with our partner, according to a new study. The average smartphone user tends to spend 2 hours a day using their mobile cell phone, yet the amount of time we spend with our other halves per day is just 97 minutes on average.

That figure may not sound like a lot but that amounts up to 23 days a year and almost 4 years of the average person’s life is spent staring at their phone screen. Shocking, isn’t it!?

• If this video does not convince you to put down your phone, nothing will!

• How many years of our lives do we want to spend on mobile cell phones?

It’s not only when we are aware that we are increasing our smartphone usage with free sleep apps available, it is even creeping into our sleeping time. With the number of things we rely on our smartphone to do, our amount of time attached to our phones is only going to increase. It’s not just our kids getting too much screen time these days. Parents are also guilty of spending too much time on their electronic devices.

digital insanity
Digital insanity everywhere!

Researchers at the Boston Medical Center observed 55 different groups of parents and young children eating at fast food restaurants. The study found the majority pulled out their mobile devices right away, and their kids tended to act up more. Parent coach Toni Schutta says parents spend, on average,11 hours a day using electronic devices.

All that time takes away from face to face communication, which helps kids learn behaviour. “We get such a limited amount of time with our kids in the day, we need meaningful conversations,” Schutta said.

digital insanity
We spend 70% of our waking life in front of digital media and mobile cell phones

Regardless of which market consumers use their mobile devices, more smartphones are entering the hands of consumers every day, and the growth in smartphone usage is driven by consumer’s constant connection to entertainment and free media apps.

digital insanity
Digital Insanity!

So now that we know how much time the average adult spends, how is that time spent? A study examined several different activities and outlined, how it all comes together :

26%  of the time is spent talking

20%  is spent texting

16%  is spent on social networks

14%  is spent visiting websites

Email (9%),

Games (8%)

digital insanity
Digital Insanity –  We are wasting 4 years of our lives staring at our phones! 









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Ann Balisbis
9 years ago

Sadly, this is true. And I’m guilty of it. Technology really taking much of our time nowadays, the numbers here in your write up prove it all. We… or at least I… should rethink of this and spend quality time with people I love instead.

Dorothy Mae C. Torretijo
9 years ago

Actually technology has positive and negative effects in our life. What a great post indeed. Thank you for sharing xx

Maria Teresa Dumadag
9 years ago

I agree that our loved ones (and everyone else we talk to) deserve our undivided attention during conversations. The sad thing is that an increasing number of people pay more attention to their phones than their family members. I will share your post in my Facebook page! =)

9 years ago

I’m attached to my phone and I wish I wasn’t! Only i have the power to change this! I’ve seen that video before but re watched it as I need a kick up the butt to put my phone down!!

Macy Santos
9 years ago

Our country the Philippines is known as the ‘text’ (texting) capital of the world for one reason that most mobile phone owners are 24 hours connected with their devices. Sad to say the way people communicate has changed a lot and as a parent we should teach our children the importance of spending time with the people who matter most. Nothing beats face to face human interaction.

Roselle Carlos-Toledo
9 years ago

We make sure at home that mobile phones are off limits during meal time. We leave them in the bedroom.

9 years ago

I think it’s a matter of perspective. We could be like coming from a generation where there was no smartphones in the earlier years, and now we are used to using one.

How about those born at this time when smartphones are the norms?

Change. Embrace it. Adapt to it.

9 years ago

It is digital insanity. Hadn’t seen that video, really well done.

9 years ago

A good wake up call! There’s a time and a place for everything, for sure.

9 years ago

I thought this has been a very thoughtful post. It is important that we use technology to help us, not remove us from what is important.