DIY Home Improvements Guide – Knowing The Mistakes To Avoid

DIY Home Improvements Guide  

Knowing The Mistakes To Avoid

Whether you’re looking to redo your bathroom, kitchen or the entire house, renovating your home is no simple procedure. Most of us would have no experience in undergoing such a project, which is why it really should be left to the professionals. Before you start your home transformation, make sure you know the pitfalls to avoid.

Rushing Into a Project

Home remodelling is a big deal. It requires a lot of patience and careful planning to be successful. It’s crucial to develop a detailed plan with a rough estimate of how much the project is going to cost. It’s also wise to have some money saved separately, in case of emergencies.

DIY Home Improvements
DIY Home Improvements – Knowing The Mistakes To Avoid 

Disrespecting the Original Architecture

For the rooms in your house to flow and have a strong identity, it’s important to keep within the same time periods. Incorporate aesthetics that will complement the architecture and structure of your home. Mixing and matching different styles often makes a house look chaotic and busy. Have a strong vision in mind for all your rooms before you start decorating willy nilly.

DIY Home Improvements
DIY Home Improvements – Add aesthetics that complement the architecture of your home

Over the Top Decor

If you’re looking to eventually put your house on the market, you’ll want to keep the decor fairly neutral and not overdo it with themes. You may have a penchant for gold leaf furniture and bright pink walls, but will this help you to sell? Buyers are going to envisage themselves living in that room, so keep designs fairly minimal and avoid statement decor at all costs.

DIY Home Improvements
DIY Home Improvements – Play with bright colours but keep the decor fairly neutral

Don’t Ignore Zoning and Building Permits

It’s important to know all the building regulations before you start on any home improvement projects. Make sure that the changes you’re making will be legally approved. Generally, you’ll need planning permission for building a fence over six feet or changing your house’s footprint.

DIY Home Improvements
DIY Home Improvements – You might need planning permission for building a high fence

Mismanaging Your Finances

Not sticking to or having a budget in place is the number one reason why home renovations go wrong. Don’t let it happen to you. Make sure you’ve outlined your costs and worked out if you can afford all the work that needs doing. Balance your finances by breaking down roughly how much you need to spend on each room. A lot of people go overboard by completely upgrading their bathrooms. Afterwards, they’re left with no extra money to use on the rest of the house. It’s better to make use of what you’ve got and maybe get new flooring or taps fitted.

DIY Home Improvements
DIY Home Improvements – Beautiful new flooring 

Don’t Just rely on DIY

You might have an incredible eye for design and may have done plenty of DIY before, but things can easily go wrong. Leaving the renovating in your hands means you’ll have to be more patient as you won’t be as quick as the professionals.  You’ll need to have excellent planning skills and a lot of free time. Some situations require special assistance and that’s when you’ll need to call in the home remodeling contractors. They’ll use the right materials and will advise you on how to use your budget wisely.

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8 years ago

Permits and going over budget are key things to remember when doing home improvements. Sometimes you want to get the best result and overspend. Always have to keep yourself in check. Planning ahead is the best way to watch your budget.