Dog Hypothyroidism
what is it and how to treat it
Even though the condition of hypothyroidism in dogs is not life-threatening, if not dealt with immediately, it can lead to a greater risk of worsening it, which will ultimately lead to fatal conditions. In any case, why would you want to leave your pooch suffering from dog hypothyroidism, when you can easily cure it? Understanding what is beneficial to know, learning how to treat it, being aware of the signs or symptoms. Below you’ll find some information regarding this.
• What Dog Hypothyroidism Entails
Canine hypothyroidism is very similar to the typical human thyroid condition. When this gland stops producing the necessary hormones that it is meant to produce such as T3 and T4 or Thyroxine, for instance, it leads to this condition. But it does not stop there. Because these hormones are responsible for regulating several processes in the system such as metabolism, reproduction, the immune system, and growth. Detailed information can be found on this recommended website.
Almost 95% of dogs who suffer from hypothyroidism have damaged or swollen glands. However, not all of the 95% can be attributed to cancer or tumors. The dogs that are affected are usually between small to medium-sized and more susceptible breeds include Boxers, Golden retrievers, and Dobermans. This also included spayed or neutered dogs that have a higher chance of getting this than others.
• Different Types of Canine Hypothyroidism
Just to make things slightly more complicated, this disorder comes in four different types. A significant amount of research has been done of it like and information can be found online for example , especially on the first two, but because the 2nd two are a slightly rare form, the studies are still in progress. These are explained below.
- Primary. This is when the gland does not receive proper stimulation and results in the production levels dropping to rock bottom. This results in fatigue and slower movements and fatigue exhibited by your dog. This is the most common type and can be a result of other underlying things such as thyroid tumors, autoimmune conditions such as Lymphocytic Thyroiditis, or atrophy. It directly affects the dog’s immune system and weakens it.
- Secondary. If you find that there is a tumor or any kind of congenital abnormality, is growing near or on the thyroid gland or pituitary gland, it will lead to this second type. It does not matter what the origin is, what matters is that it leads to many other things such as constipation, weight gain, fatigue, muscle pain and depression and intolerance to cold, in the canine.
- Tertiary. It is possibly the rarest form to date, and studies are still in progress to get more insight into it. It is however linked to HRT thyroid releasing hormone being produced in the pet’s hypothalamus and when there is a lack it hinders the proper functionality of its endocrine system.
- Peripheral. Also, another rare one. When the dog’s body fails to convert thyroxine hormone into tri-iodothyronine (T3 and T4 respectively) the metabolism and metabolic rate gets affected and slows down affecting their tissues.
• Natural Ways of Treatment
I feel it is always best to try and treat anything that’s affecting our companions the natural way first. If nothing works, we can still lean towards pharma medication. There are several home and natural remedies that we can implement when wanting to treat our pets naturally. Some of them include Hemp (plant species from the cannabis family), fenugreek (Indian spice herb plant), stinging nettle (perennial flowering plant), Astragalus (Chinese herb root) and kelp (brown algae seaweed grows underwater) have been seen to promote or reset normal thyroid function.
Plus, they are a safer option as well as cost-effective. The strongest one that has shown positive results is Hemp. Experts have mentioned that it can help extensively to treat hypothyroidism in dogs without having any negative side-effects that conventional medications have. Hemp does not contain any harmful substances or THC, the psychoactive component. This makes it the mildest thing you can give your pup. Given, the proper dosage instructions are followed based on the size, weight, and condition of your pup!
Take good care of your little poochies xx