Enjoying Life Means Loving What You Do

Enjoying Life Means Loving What You Do

 Do what you love – love what you do!

It is difficult summing up a life in 1 or 2 pages. Thinkers throughout recorded history from Plato to Newton have found it essential to create wonderful, long discussions about what they believe and how they achieved their personal realities. In the following, I am going to tell you what I believe in, how I came to believe in it, and how these beliefs have actually influenced my life.

Enjoying life means loving what you do
Enjoying life means loving what you do!                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Do you love what you do for a living? And how to love what you do? Do what you love and love what you do, life is too short to waste it on living a life you don’t enjoy living!

Enjoying life means loving what you do!

Enjoying life means loving what you do
Enjoying life means loving what you do!                            

In some cases, things do not go according to plan as well as we find ourselves doing exactly what we HAVE to do instead of what we would LIKE to do. By doing whatever we are doing, as well as offering it our all, it is still important to remain favourable, continue to be kind, as well as remaining capable of taking care of ourselves. It is a long process to get to this point, it does not merely take place overnight. I developed this viewpoint out of the experiences life provides, lots of them were sad, painful or disappointing. But I do believe also, that this belongs to life and is essential to becoming a decent genuine person. Instead of always feeling sorry for yourself and quarrel with destiny, try to see the good and benefits of everything. It’s mandatory that you will end up adjusting your priorities and realize how important your own happiness is. So, it’s time to become a bit more selfish and to refuse what makes you unhappy. It is possible, it solely depends on you!    

Enjoying life means loving what you do !
Enjoying life matters ~ even the short coffee break!

It feels so good seeing women making these strides in the right direction of empowerment and happiness!

 My Philosophy 

My philosophy affects every facet of my life. Today as well as every coming day, with my goal of doing exactly what I like in mind, I work at loving what I do and doing what I love to do. In many previous situations in my life, I likewise placed my ideology to function. Because I am caring and overthinking what I do, wherever I am and whoever I am with. I aim to be kind, as well as I offer generously my support, I also treat every person who comes into my life with respect, kindness, consideration and also empathy. And I do expect the same in return, nothing more, yet nothing less. I demand that! Without any hesitation, I point out and make clear how I look at life and I will not change my point of view for anybody. You don’t have to please everybody, not everybody has to like you. If it does not click, just leave it.

Enjoying life means loving what you do !
Enjoying life means loving what you do – klaudiascorner.net

However, that is just the start. If we are to be effective in life we need to discover to do what we love. We also need to make an initiative to love what we do. Whether life brings us a convenience food dinner or a banquet, we need to be grateful for the chance to live our ideal.

In a nutshell, my viewpoint comes down to this 

Do just what you love and like and what makes you feel comfortable in your skin. Life is too short to spend it doing anything but just what you love. I know, it is not always easy to live your life that way, it requires a healthy portion of selfhood, some may even call it egoism. You will need time, to become selfish enough. Don’t forget, YOU matter! 

By nurturing whatever we are doing, and also offering it our all no matter of whether it is of our mindful finding or not…   remain favorable, stay kind, don’t let yourself favourable by bitterness and negativity. If we are to be effective in life, we should find out to do what we love, yet that is only the start of a different view on life and the happiness you can find in it!

Thanks a lot for reading!



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Sharon Duerst
7 years ago

You say it so well! Inspiring and reaffirming!

8 years ago

I think that the only way you can advance in life and in your career is to love what you do. If you don’t, then you won’t put the passion and the effort required and you won’t feel the accomplishment of success.

8 years ago

I totally agree! Life is way too short to waste your time. You can’t control everything. but don’t go on autopilot, or just stay doing things that you don’t like. I think the first step is to be conscious. To even be aware of what you want. As long as you know that, you have something to work for!

8 years ago

I really needed to be reminded of this. Starting each day with a light and loving heart is so important and sets up the resonance for that moment and the rest of my day. Not always easy to maintain when heavier feelings start to encroach. Being mindful of my feelings helps, and your post brought this back into focus for me . Thank you Claudia.

Rachel Arandilla
8 years ago

I love this positive and enriching post. Some people tend to judge you if you’re doing and spending things you want for yourself–but I think it’s absolutely necessary to be selfish. Enrich yourself with new experiences and new people to grow deeper and better as a person.

Roy Miller
8 years ago

Claudia, you have a wonderful approach to living your life. I agree with you that you should love what you do. I do think the younger people of today are incorporating this into their lives. They seem to be more about things other than money.

8 years ago

I like the philosophy “Do what you love, love what you do,” although I think it’s more complicated when applied in real life because we have to deal with various responsibilities, one of them involving finances. Still, I think it’s a positive attitude to be grateful with what you have. For instance, that job that you think is not fulfilling. The fact that you have a job is already something to be thankful about. It needs improvement, yes, but in the end it still feeds you and your family. I think this kind of attitude will make people happier in the long run.

Rica@ Yoga Mat Monkey
8 years ago

Such wisdom here! I tried many careers that weren’t the right fit. They paid the bills, looked pretty on a business card, and garnered respect from others. But every day my soul ached, until one day, I started listening. I stopped letting common sense dictate, and I discovered a life I love and a career that allows me to do what I feel called to do. There’s nothing like it! Great post here. 🙂

Marge Gavan
8 years ago

I think there should be a balance between doing what you love and doing what is necessary. Life is not that easy for many, sometimes, we are not given that much choice. Many things in life also take time. But I agree that we should be grateful, for whatever it is that we have in life, but if we have a dream, we should find ways to make it happen.

8 years ago

Such a true story. Love what you do is so important. It’s better to earn less money but having the time of your life at work, then to stay at a shitty job you hate, but being well paid. I love to write blogs and I love to read them too. This is my hobby and hopefully one day I can start making money out of it. But it’s a choice to try to love the work you have and make the best out of it. http://www.sofarsosabine.com

8 years ago

I will say this. There are more people who do not like what they are doing but they still have to do it. You are absolutely correct saying love what you do. Focusing on the positive makes it easier and instead of focusing on negativities such as how difficult a job is, for example, it is better to always have the mindset of loving what needs to be done.

8 years ago

This is so true. In fact, it is your life and you are the only one whom you “report to” about your choices. You have to be in harmony with yourself and your values, not try to please somebody else. Good attitude, I like it. 🙂

Julie Severson
8 years ago

What a breath of fresh your site and this post is. You have an amazing attitude and are living the life you were meant to live. For me the hardest part about living the life I want to live is deep worries I have for so many that I love who are struggling. Difficult for me to let go.

8 years ago

Yes, connecting to your passion will bring about your best efforts no matter what you do.

8 years ago

I don’t know how this one slipped by me. Truth is life is long, even more reason for loving what you do. Most of my life I have worked to eat, didn’t see loving it as an option. I will say tho that even if you don’t love your job, find the reasons that make it neccesary. I love eating, I love my family etc. Blogging has given me hope in finding passion in work.

8 years ago

Love the topic, Claudia. One of the ways we look at this in coaching is to understand what your core values are. If you are living in line with what is most important to you, there is a good change it will bring happiness to your life.

8 years ago

This was a great post Claudia! This is a lesson that I need to take to heart. I find myself doing a lot of things that I don’t like just because that is what is expected of me and I don’t want to be that selfish of a person. But to truly enjoy life is to do the things that you like and not worry about what others may think. Sometimes it is okay to be a little selfish! Great article!