Flawless Beauty Skin Care Tips
How to Get Rid of Blemishes Naturally
this article is written by Rose Emma
Blemishes on the skin result in people self-confidence reduction in communication, great effects on the aesthetic aspect as well as on their physiological psychology. While many people spend a great deal of money on expensive cosmetics to flawlessly smooth skin, others choose natural ingredients as effective treatments for skin imperfection. Improving skin defects with natural remedies is a hot trend that many girls choose to use most. However, this therapy requires constant skin care if individuals want to achieve the desired results.
Deficiency on the skin will not be a matter of concern if we know how to use skin care methods at home. Continue reading the article to instantly update the skin care trends to eliminate skin defects rapidly.

I. Different Types of Skin Blemishes
The different types of skin blemishes can be in different sizes, shapes, and even colours. Therefore, the causes of skin conditions and how to deal with them can also be slightly different. Common Types of Blemish-Causing Conditions:
- Acne
- Scars
- Birthmarks
- Age spots
- Uneven skin tone
II. Home Remedies for Blemishes
Owning shiny, smooth and bright skin makes your appearance more outstanding and charming. However, for some people, it’s just a far-reaching dream. Do not be discouraged! Take a look at some of the “holy” homemade facial masks below that have been proven by the top beauty experts in the world for smoother and healthier skin.

1. Masks Made From Tomato
Tomatoes are considered as a “powerful assistant” with countless beauty applications. The natural ingredient contains an abundant amount of vitamins A, B and C to enhance collagen supply to the skin. Tomato masks help to whiten and soothe blemishes, treat and prevent acne and moisturize the skin effectively.
What we have to do:
- Prepare half a ripe tomato and half a spoon of lemon juice.
- Make a mixture by prepared ingredients.
- Use a clean cotton to apply the mixture on the face.
- 5 minutes later, rinse the face skin with clean water.
- Apply some drops of olive oil to moisturize the skin.
Moreover, you can also use tomatoes combined with honey as the following guidelines. Prepare half of ripe tomato and 1 teaspoon of pure honey. Then, use the ingredients to make the smooth mixture to apply to the skin areas with blemishes. Leave the mixture on the skin for 10 minutes and then rinse off with cool water.
2. Mask With Oatmeal & Fresh Milk
Containing a high vitamin B content, oatmeal seems to be one of the greatest helpers for the removal process of the old dead skin cells, the skin nourishment and the skin pigmentation improvement. Whereas, fresh milk is a powerful helper to both moisturize and repulse the ageing symptoms of the human skin. Therefore, it is beneficial for the dry skin to get smoother and more radiant thanks to the mixture of oatmeal and fresh milk.

Ingredients to prepare include 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and 2 tablespoons of sugar- free fresh milk.
How to do:
- Mix oatmeal and sugar-free milk into a paste mixture.
- Gently apply the mixture to the skin.
- Keep the mixture on the skin within 15 minutes.
- Wash your face with cold water.
Implement the treatment 3 times a week to get better skin conditions faster.
3. Mask Recipes With Turmeric, Yogurt & Lemon
Yoghurt and lemon have been considered as strong supporters of the process of natural skin whitening and gradual black spots fading. Nonetheless, lemon can be a cause of irritation to sensitive skin. Therefore, wipe the mask off with water if any discomfort occurs.
What to do:
- Make a mask from a tablespoon of turmeric powder,
- 2 spoons of sugar- free yoghurt
- Half a spoon of lemon juice.
- Then, apply the mask on your face for about 20 minutes.
- After that, use a warm towel to wash your face.

4. Albumen Mask
To clear blemishes rapidly, it is extremely important to acknowledge yourself with the mask made by the combination of egg whites and other kitchen ingredients. The treatment for skin imperfections with albumen is not only easy- to- do but also inexpensive.
How to apply:
- Prepare a chicken egg.
- After splitting the eggshell, use a cup to put the egg white into it.
- Use your fingertips to apply the white yolk on the face skin after bubbling it up.
- Massage gently your face so that the egg white can deeply be absorbed in the skin areas with blemishes.
- After 15 to 30 minutes, clean your face with warm water.

5. Cold Compress
A cold compress is effective for skin areas with acne and large pores. To the people having the habit to remove the acne or blackheads from the skin, using cold compress can be a supportive helper to cool down and reduce the skin swelling.
The introduction of the treatment includes:
- Get a cold ice cube and then wrap it in a clean towel.
- Apply the towel directly to the skin in about 5 minutes.

It is possible to reduce the redness and swelling after a spot appears on your skin if you apply the skin care method. By implementing constantly these simple flawless beauty skin care tips as mentioned above, the bruises, acne scars or defects on your skin will disappear quickly.
Thank you so much for this excellent article, Rose! It’s been a great pleasure working with you and introducing you to my little community.
And you, my friends, do you know any more homemade facial masks or any great tips on how to get rid of blemishes naturally? Are you going to give Rose’s tips a go? Please come back and tell us about after by leaving your reply in the comments area below, I will certainly get back to you asap, and if you might have got any questions for Rose, you’ll find her here.
Take good care of your Skin!
Feel free to download (don’t forget to share with your friends on social media) 😉 this infographic by Rose Emma!
Hi Klaudia,
I want to try making tomato and lemon mask. I love the benefits both of these fruits give when it comes to skincare. I also like to eat raw tomatoes for a clearer skin complexion :).
Thank you so much for commenting, Wendy! Yeah, the tomato mask was new to me,too. I also love everything natural instead of all these chemicals in most products. Avocado mask is still one of my favs, have you tried this?
Hi Klaudia,
Thanks for the reply. Yes, avocado is my all time favorite and I like the creamy taste. I have tried avocado masks and it is really good for the skin.So refreshing and pampers my skin so well. 🙂
Great article and very helpful tips! I prefer using natural products for my skin, and you gave so many options I didn’t know about, like Mask With Oatmeal & Fresh Milk and its influence on dry skin. Thank you for sharing and I really hope that I will be reading more of your useful tips.
Thank you so very much Sophia! I am browsing through healthandbeautybay.com at the moment, your reviews are amazing!
Klaudia, thank you for the kind words. Also, just to update you, I tried the Oatmeal & Fresh Milk mask last night, and this morning I woke up with a very nice and refreshing feeling on my skin and I will definitely continue to do it as you said three times a week!
This is great to hear, Sophia! I am glad that it works so well for you 🙂 Thank you so much for your update 🙂
[…] Flawless Beauty Skin Care Tips – How To Get Rid Of Blemishes Naturally […]
LOVE using natural products from my kitchen! Beautiful ideas here!
Interesting. I never get round to doing face masks anymore – perhaps I should start making myself some!
It’s so hard to believe when we are young and take our skin for granted that skin care in the early days pays off later in life. But it’s never too late to start!
That’s very true, Lee. We all do that when we are young, would we have listened to anybody? Yes, the skin is our biggest organ and think about, through a life’s time what our skin has to cope with. We owe our skin a good care, don’t we?! Thank you so much for coming over 🙂
I’ve been lucky in my life to not have a lot of issues with blemishes. However, good skin care is essential, so thanks for all of the ideas!
Me too, Jodie. Luckily I haven’t got any skin issues. I think (hope). that is a good gene my mum gave me, she’s 84 now and has got hardly any wrinkles.And never used all these expensive wonder cremes. A good lifestyle does a lot to the skin also, good food, good sleep and all that really matters.