5 ways to
Make a Good First Impression on a Date
No matter how hot or confident you are, meeting a potential romantic partner for the first time can be nerve-wracking. Sometimes, the harder to try to put your best face forward, the harder you fail. First of all, relax. Breathe.

Whether you’re looking to meet Latin singles via an online dating website or you’re being set up on a blind date by your co-worker, the rules of making a good first impression are the same.
• 1.Turn the tables. Most people go into social situations hoping they’ll be liked, desired, approved of. Get over your need to impress by turning into the interviewer rather than the interviewee. This will help get rid of that neediness that so many of us have in such situations, allowing you to enter into it with an air of confidence that comes from being in control of the outcome. Just remember, “confidence”, not arrogance.

• 2. Don’t just talk about yourself, and don’t give away too much personal information. It’s alright to answer questions when asked, but you don’t need to go into your five-year plan for the future or how you can’t wait to get married. Make sure that you don’t bring up past relationships at all.
• 3. Be prepared to listen. Most people are just waiting for their turn to talk. Show that you’re an active listener by looking at them when they’re speaking, making appropriate responses and not repeating questions they’ve already answered.
• 4. Don’t be afraid of silence. There are few things more annoying than someone who needs to chatter just for the sake of speaking or stammer awkwardly because they find silence uncomfortable. Being able to sit next to someone and not feel the need to speak – and being okay with that – are good signs at any stage of a relationship.

• 5. Don’t go into the meeting with unrealistic expectations. You will emit a vibe of desperation that’s off-putting, and you may be setting yourself up for disappointment. Your only goal should be to have fun and enjoy the experience of meeting a new person. It is only when you let go of expectations that your arms are free to receive joy.
Let us know how your best or worst first date went, feel free to leave a few words in the comment section below.
Klaudia xx

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