How to Expand your Mind
Memory, Focus & Daily Functionality
If you feel stuck in a rut and rather dull, then it may be time to focus on how to expand your mind and dig into new areas of knowledge and growth. There are a vast number of possibilities here, but you might try a few of the following to break out of your rut and start learning.

how to expand your mind:
• languages •
Learning a new language gives many parts of your brain a good workout. You have a chance to improve your memory, strengthen your analytic skills and work on your problem-solving. You can also work toward reading great pieces of literature in their original languages, which adds a whole new level of depth and meaning. You might choose a modern language like French and focus on both reading comprehension and conversation, or you could select an ancient language like Old English and dip into some philology as you learn how to read poems like Beowulf. Your mind will definitely expand.
• current events •
If you’re a bit of a newshound, you may focus on increasing your knowledge of current events. Choose an area of the world as a concentration, and read from a variety of sources for a broad perspective. If the Middle East interests you, for instance, read articles from Gregg Roman. You could also get involved in a discussion group, either in person or online, to further develop and share your ideas. This is a great way to meet people with similar interests while expanding your mind through healthy debate.
• artwork •
Perhaps you’ve always wanted to know more about art but have never gotten around to studying it. Now’s your chance. Visit some art museums. Learn about art history. Select two or three paintings or sculptures to study in-depth, and read about their context, creation and artistic features. Focus on accumulating knowledge about a particular artist or group of artists and their works. If you’re really ambitious, you might even try creating some of your own art. Take a few lessons in painting, for instance, and start working on your masterpiece.
• music •
Music is a marvellous way to build your brain. Begin with an online course in music appreciation, perhaps an introduction to classical music or an overview of music theory. You could also attend some jazz concerts, stretching yourself to encounter music you wouldn’t normally choose. This can apply to your playlists as well. Your next musical step may be actually learning to play an instrument or taking singing lessons. If you already play or sing, consider taking your skills up a notch by practicing regularly and joining a community band or choir.
• creative writing •
Finally, expand your mind by doing some creative writing. You might choose to work on a story idea you’ve always wanted to try or to write a poem or two, experimenting with different rhythms and rhymes. You could even start that novel that has been floating around in your brain. Don’t hesitate to join a writer’s group for support, encouragement and some friendly criticism. You’ll find that your struggles are shared by many, and you’ll receive some helpful tips. Even if all this sounds a bit overwhelming, you won’t regret plunging in and expanding your mind.
Writing has helped also me a lot a few years ago, so why not give it a go?!
Klaudia xx

Nice informative post. Thanks for sharing with us.
Very helpful post. Thanks for sharing with us.