How to Look Attractive on a Budget
Looking Expensive For Cheap
It’s a fairly common complaint in the world, not having enough money. And while we all could do with a few extra pennies here and there, or we could look after ourselves, or we can exercise, money will always seem to be the overriding factor lurking in the back of our minds when it comes to attaining some style.

So when it comes to looking expensive, does it have to cost a lot too? It does take skills to look great, but it can take even more skills to look expensive, as well as make it look completely effortless, so here are 7 great tips on how to look attractive on a small budget.
1. Stop Washing your Stuff so Much
Yes seriously! You may find that if you put that same pair of jeans in the laundry every week, it will start to wear down the fabrics and make them look tattered and faded. Instead, a very handy alternative, although it sounds like an old wives tale, is to put your clothes in the freezer overnight. It’s true, and it works!
2. Highlight your Attributes
It’s the age-old technique of distraction. You can divert attention from unsightly parts of your body (or clothes that aren’t quite cutting it in a social function) by highlighting other attributes such as your hair or your legs.

Shaving your legs is a very simple and cheap way to highlight an attribute, especially if you’ve got legs to die for! Looking online, we could see that the best women’s razor was from 99 Cent Razor, and as well as it is of decent quality, the cost is always a good factor with these online razors. Razors don’t have to cost the world, and a lot of people opt for expensive waxing treatments instead which hurt a lot but can drain your wallet quickly!
3. Buy Expensive Products
…but make them last! While we don’t like to purchase cheap items as a rule, when we purchase cheap brands of makeup or eyeliner it clearly shows, so it’s better to buy an expensive brand but to make it last longer. This also helps save you a few pennies by being sparing with the makeup or the perfume. One handy trick when it comes to making your expensive perfume last is to apply the perfume to pulse points rather than spraying it all over. If you’re looking for a way to make your nail products last more, skipping the clear base coat will save you some money and some time.
4. Get a Clothes Steamer
Why you may ask. Well, when it comes to ironing your clothes, it’s one of the main things you can do to make them look old and worn very quickly. Instead, if you get a steamer that is on the large side and thoroughly apply steam to your clothes before hanging them up in another room with the windows opened overnight, this is one of the best ways to get rid of creases. And while you may think it’s just as easy, if not cheaper, to use shower steam instead of a clothes steamer, it doesn’t work as well, and it runs up a hefty water bill!

5. Get your Clothes Tailored
Yep, I said tailored… I mean, if you can’t do it yourself. An item of clothing that costs 10,- € can look like a 200,- € one if you add some clever seams in the right places. So you can go to the thrift stores and buy an item that doesn’t look so flattering on you and have it tailored to suit you perfectly instead of going down the expensive route and buying an item off the rack that fits you perfectly.
6. Use the Pencil Wisely
You can draw perfect wings on your eyelids with just eyeliner. Just draw the cat eye with the eyeliner pencil and then fill in the open space with the liner and you will be able to have a perfect wing every single time. You could also achieve that winged effect by using a spoon. Start your eyeliner as you would normally would for the cat-eye look and press the rounded side of the spoon against your eye, then move the spoon downwards to get that winged effect.
7. Don’t buy Distressed Pieces
There are plenty of distressed hardware or fabrics that can look worn out, and this is doubly so if they are cheap, to begin with, although there are some exceptions, such as ripped jeans. But a lot of denim distressing techniques don’t look very convincing when they are at a lower price. So if you are looking for a ripped jeans outfit, you are better off going to a professional to have it done properly or invest some time and create your own DIY ripped jeans outfit. Looking expensive doesn’t necessarily mean buying expensive, but these are a few simple hacks that you can take on board.
Most important, don’t forget, you’re awesome, no matter the budget!
Klaudia xx

I love comments! So, please feel free to tell us about your own tips and tricks on how to look attractive on a smaller budget below in the comment section.
Nice post. I have bookmarked this post.
Goede tips! Ik ga zeker eens proberen om mijn kleren in de vriezer te doen.
Fijne post, ik ga dit tip van de kleding in de vriezer doen even onthouden! X A
Hi Andrea, your English is great! I agree, I also like to ‘transform’ old clothes to create something new and unique. What could go wrong? If you aren’t wearing it anymore, why not try to give it a new life!? Thanks a lot for coming overxx
Leuk artikel. Wat ik een van de dingen vind dat iemand er goed uit ziet, met dure of minder dure kleding is de juiste maat!
Spot on Lodi, je kan een hoop geld opdoen voor kleding, als het niet echt pefect zit, ziet het er echt niet goed uit.En soms vind je iets mega goedkoop en het lijkt een peper dure stuk te zijn omdat het perfect passt, toch?! Bedankt vvor je bezoekje 🙂
Goede tips die je soms ook even wilt vergeten. Soms is goedkoop inderdaad duurkoop. Met een aantal duurdere en tijdloze items kun je vaak jarenlang vooruit.
Juist Mirjam, een paar chice basics en dan wat leuke accessoires om het look te veranderen en op te peppen heb je vaa meer aan dan een kast vol met spullen die niet bij elkaar passen. Dank je wel voor je bezoek!