How To Look Beautiful
and fall in love with your face again

♣ Beauty Tips For Skin & Hair ♣
Regardless of age, race or religion, many women have a love/hate relationship with their face. This is desperately sad because a lot of these women are stunningly beautiful however their low self-esteem can mean they don’t stand out in the crowd. If you are feeling a little out of love with your face, I have some great ways you can boost your looks and improve the most important relationship you have, the one you share with yourself!
Let’s start with some beauty tips for the skin. From our teenage years, most of us have struggled with skin issues. When we are young and wrinkle-free, we are plagued with breakouts, as we become older and stop getting spots, we get wrinkles. (How mean is that!) But, I have got some great news for you, there are ways of fixing some of our issues, though!

• Have you actually heard about Bio Oil? It is an amazing oil said to be used by Madonna and also it’s on top of the charts for pregnant women. It helps to heal and prevent scarring, so if you have any scars left from teenage acne, use Bio Oil twice a day to improve your skin.
• Also topping up on Omega 3 Fatty Acids will also help repair your skin if you have any marks. For those wrinkles, forget expensive botox treatments and instead look at a bee venom masks and moisturisers. This natural toxin is the perfect way to help lift fine lines and give you a more youthful look!
And again, look after your teeth! I don’t know about you, but if I meet somebody, I always somehow pay most attention to teeth, fingernails (and clean shoes!) first. Nice white teeth are really eye-catching, don’t you think?
Our teeth tend to take a little hammering in our youth, how many of you have ripped something open with your tusks? They also become more stained as we get older, either from coffee or wine. Having your teeth whitened is a great way to improve your smile and give yourself more confidence. Regular visits to dental clinics can help ensure your teeth stay white, chip-free and healthy! Don’t ignore your dental cleaning routine, make sure you floss and keep each tooth in top condition. If you know you have great presentable teeth, then you will smile more often which is the easiest (and cheapest) tip on how to look beautiful I can give you today!
Keeping your hair healthy is going to help boost your look too. Firstly, let’s focus on the follicle. You need strong hair follicles to ensure you have vibrant and clean hair.
Using coconut oil on your scalp, once a week can give the cells all the nutrients they need to promote a stronger hair shaft. It may sound strange to use coconut oil on your scalp, but this oil helps to clean your hair, not to make it greasy.
You can then focus your attention on your eyebrows. The eyebrow frames our eyes and can contribute to bringing out their sparkle. Coconut or olive oil will encourage a better growth, and then you should have them professionally waxed and shaped to give you a natural and beautiful look.
Knowing how to look beautiful and really loving yourself is not that tricky, tho. Just apply these easy beauty tips for the skin and hair to your own beauty routine, and I am confident you will start falling in love with your face again! Take very good care of yourself and don’t forget to love yourself, coz’ you’re beautiful!
Thanks a lot for your time!
I have a hate-hate relationship with my face! And my hair just won’t do anything good ever! I have heard lots of people raving about bio oil but have never tried it.
Oh dear, don’t mention the stubborn hair 🙂 I have never been happy with my fine hair myself, I just had a perm done after probably 25 years again, to swindle some more volume. Now I have got “more” hair (LOL) but it is now, even more, doing what it wants. I look like a mop at the moment .. Give bio oil a try, you will be surprised! Even for dry hair, just rub a drop !! of it on your palms and knead through your hair. But really just a drop, don’t take more as your hair might look greasy!
I can’t wait to try coconut oil on my hair, I too thought it would make it greasy so I’m excited to see what it does. Thanks for the reminder on the teeth, I’m a big coffee drinker and it’s time for a tune up on these pearly whites. Lots of neat tips here that I’ve never heard before, like the bee venom mask. And yeah, what’s up with me finally get over breakouts to now getting wrinkles, lol!
Calm down Beth, lol. These wrinkles tell life stories, you should be proud of it!! Another tip re the wrinkle issue, always wear sunglasses !! That reduces these little muckers around the eyes when squinting through summer enormously. Thanks a lot for coming over.