How To Organize The Garage
And Add Value To Your Home When Selling
When you’re thinking of selling your house, the first thing that comes to your mind is never the garage. Why would it be? It’s an add-on to your home, the space that barely gets used and is usually full of all of the things that don’t fit anywhere else.

If anything, it’s a place where most people avoid going because it’s cold and a bit damp, only for useful for storage; of cars, bikes, pet supplies and everything else that hasn’t got its own official designated place. So why should we focus on this part of the building … or put a focus on building one if it’s not already there?
• It’s all About the Space
The main thing that buyers are looking for nowadays is space. This is in whatever format it is presented in; it doesn’t necessarily have to be a room that’s included in the house.
New builds aren’t offering the same amount of coverage as houses that were built twenty years ago, and in a consumerist world where we are definitely in ownership of more possessions, we are lacking places for them to go.
• Consider Hobbyists
There are a lot of potential buyers who are asking specifically for a garage to be included on any homes that they look around to contain their hobbies.

Car and motorbike enthusiasts want a big, clear space that’s close enough to keep an eye on their precious possessions; you need to be able to really sell this part of your house if it’s the seal to the deal. Look around for anything that needs fixing, focusing mainly on the cleanliness of the interior. The door – if you haven’t got an automatic door, a trip to Garage Automatics for reviews on which one to get could potentially put up the value by quite a significant amount. Think about what you’d like to see if you were walking in. Keep the room bright with a white, wipeable paint, which will also create the illusion that it is bigger than it actually is.
• Create Another Room
If you are wanting to add on quite a substantial chunk of return to your investment before you sell your home, you could look at the possibility of changing your garage into another room. This is relatively simple to do when compared with the alternative of having an extension; the space has already been built for you, it just needs some creative garage remodeling ideas to be made fit for inhabitation.

Mostly, it can be done by your own fair hands without having to employ outside help. It can be made into a bedroom, a playroom, a games room – anything that you want to advertise it as which will fit the target demographic of those who have shown an interest in purchasing your property. It’s all about the space as families are getting bigger and we are needing more room to store our belongings. This could be the largest addition of value to your home … although after all of the hard work, you may just end up keeping it!
Thank you for you time,
…see you soon for more
Organizing is not my strong suit and my garage shows that. Thank you for this.
I am a bit untidy and lazy, too. But then it soon all gets on my nerves and I fly through on my broom stick 😉 Thanks for coming over, Carol