How to Reverse the Signs of Ageing
and grow Old with Grace

Growing old makes is something that every human being fears at some point in their lives. It might not happen until the realization hits them, but it will happen sooner rather than later. Women tend to fear it more than most because they want to keep their looks. Ageing, however, makes it much harder to stay as young and attractive as before. And , it is a problem because they have to keep up appearances, unlike men. If you are reading this and want advice on how to fight the signs of ageing, you have come to the right place.
Plastic Surgery
Let’s get it out of the way first and foremost. The only way to permanently get rid of wrinkles and sagging skin is to go under the knife. Now, sometimes that can come off looking like a bad decision. God knows there are plenty of examples of women that have gone too far in the past. Still, that doesn’t mean you have to make the same mistake.

From sites like you can learn more about the dangers of plastic surgery. As long as you don’t get hooked, you can use a treatment like Botox to your advantage.
Drink Plenty Of Water
One look at might put you off plastic surgery for life. To be honest, it is a personal decision and one you will have to make alone. If you do decide against plastic surgery, you will have to find alternative methods to stay young. One that will appear on every guide you come across is to drink more water. The reason for that is that water is essential to rid the body of any waste. It is the waste that builds up and adds to the ageing process. And, every bodily process needs water to work. That means water will help your skin stay tight and pert. Any process that helps fight ageing needs water.

Stop Smoking And Drinking
Two of the most damaging substances you can use legally are alcohol and tobacco. Together, they will make you look five to ten years older than your actual age. It is hard to do because everyone loves a good time regardless of their age. However, you will need to cut down if you want to look your best in your golden years. Plus, it is a lot harder to drink and smoke like you used to do when you get older. When you cut down and replace these substances with water, your body will feel ten times better. And, it will also look ten times better.
Eat Healthily
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but you will need to eat healthily too. Your body can’t fight the signs of ageing without the right nutrients. And, the nutrient you need is in the food you eat. The best foods are the ones with lots of protein and healthy fats.

Foods with omega 3 fatty acids, for example, are seen as a superfood while protein helps rebuild and regenerate cells. The more you can ingest, the better for your body.
And the Beauty of a Woman with passing Years only grows!
~Audrey Hepburn ~
Thanks a lot for reading
Klaudia xx
This made me think that I need to drink lots more water! The suggested daily water intake is just right for me as well. But I’m working on increasing my water intake every week.
I loved the part about drinking a lot of water! This year I decided to start drinking 2l of water and I felt more awake and antistressed, so one day when I start ageing hope this will pay of
Great tips. I wouldn’t go for plastic surgery myself. But I really love the other suggestions. I don’t smoke and drink very little alcohol. But I could definitely easy healthier and drink more water!
Having a healthy diet and exercising is the best way!
drinking plenty water and avoiding smoking and alcohol, is the best bet one can give to his or her life to be age-old free…
100% agree with the importance of drinking plenty of water and giving up smoking. I aim for 2l of water a day to keep my skin hydrated.
I’m so happy I don’t have any vices. There’s less habit to unlearn. It pays not to try it the first time. And learn to manage your own emotions
Those are very basic but helpful tips. I still love how women look like when they age. I mean, even if our skin gets old and wrinkly, it tells a lot of story about that person. That’s wisdom and experience. Of course, it would still be very admirable for a person who doesn’t look her age ,especially if it’s because of her healthy living. Only a few people can manage to have that kind of discipline. 🙂
And be happy!Yes, being happy at all times does not make you feel old.And being active, mentally as well as physically. Now, that summers are here, I am trying to gulp a lot of water to keep myself hydrated.
I’m now 29 and I’m starting to think more and more about botox. I’m too scared to do it, until now. But I might do it in the future. I never really read the negative sides of botox or the problems you can get with it. So I would like to get to know them first before I would go so far to really do botox. However growing old is part of life and still we don’t want to accept it as being feminine and all that. Understandable right?
I’m still young but this post made me think that I need to drink lots of water! I don’t drink liquids which the body really needs. The suggested daily water intake is too much for me as well. But I’m working on increasing my water intake every week. 🙂
Ive learned and accepted that Im old already when my sons’ friends would call me tita and my girl officemates would love to make up and giggle a lot and sometimes I hate it. Ive come to love my age but as youve said, who wouldnt even consider hiding the numbers. Yup, Im a fan of drinking a lot. Eating good and healthy food like those containing omega 3 is also a habit I am quite enjoying. Thank you for this reminder 🙂
Well!! For me I would prefer drinking a lot of water and eat healthy than doing a plastic surgery. But I would love to use beauty products for anti ageing. xoxo
I have never been one for plastic surgery unless there is an issue that a person can’t get beyond. I like the fact that you can do something about it like drinking water and eating healthy. Now am I doing it all the time? No but I get a swift reminder every time I read an article like this! Here’s to more water! Bottoms up!
I have never supported cosmetic surgery. I believe besides eating healthily and drinking lots of water, the way to age gracefully is to eliminate stress and be happy. Besides that, supplementation both taken and topical are beneficial to one’s health with healthier skins as an added benefit.
Now, I must remember to drink lots and lots of water and stay healthy! Thank you for sharing this. It inspires me to live healthily.
This is all good advice! I’m still young, but I have trouble remembering to drink water. Maybe this article will motivate me more. And of course not smoking is so important too.
Great list! I also look younger than I am and am convinced not having children played a role, pregnancy having such a huge impact on your body.
Well I still look a wee bit younger which I am grateful for and I used to get really upset about wrinkles but I earned them:) I find coconut oil helps