I Am Nominated For The 2016 Bupa Blog Awards

I Am Nominated For The 2016 Bupa Blog Awards! 

“Klaudia’s Corner” is nominated for the 2016 BUPA Blog Awards

I am nominated
I am nominated!

What is the BUPA Blog Award?


The Bupa Blog Awards is all about celebrating bloggers and influencers who are making a difference in health and care for their online communities.

The Categories Are:

  • Pets
  • Families
  • Personal
  • Health 
  • Visual
  • Lifestyle 

” Winners from each category (including People’s Choice) will receive $1,000. Our People’s Choice winner will take away $2,000 and $ 3,000 cash goes to our overall winner”

Well, my dear blogging buddies and followers of “Klaudia’s Corner” please keep your thumbs up and all fingers crossed for me!

I am nominated
Liebster Award March 2016                           

After the Liebster Award nominations by fellow bloggers in March 2016 now the ‘Big Thing’ (lol) … the BUPA Blog Award from ‘down under’, Australia, …. this is so exciting!!!

I am nominated
I Am Nominated For The 2016 Bupa Blog Awards

I will keep you all posted and let you know, when and how you can vote for my blog in case I get to make it to the finalists. Thank you all so much for supporting and following me, this is all just so amazing. Not even one year ago I didn’t even know, how to start a website at all, leave alone writing articles. Overwhelming stuff that is! Whoop whoop … happy weekend!

Success ? I don’t know what that word means. I’m happy. But success , that goes back to what in somebody’s eyes success means. For me, success is inner peace. That’s a good day for me. Denzel Washington




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Dominic Barrios
8 years ago

Whoa! Congratulations Claudia! This is really big and good news! We’re all rooting for you! Update us.

Arrianne Guzman
8 years ago

Congratulations!!!! I would say that right now, you’re already a winner 🙂 Keep it up and may you continue your passion for what you are doing 🙂 Cheers!

Maaya Legaspi
8 years ago

Wow. Such a great news! Goodluck and I hope you win!! This is such a milestone for bloggers like me. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. 🙂

Trisha Velarmino
8 years ago

Claudia, big hugs and congratulations for the nomination!

Stella the Travelerette
8 years ago

That’s such great news! I hope you win! But no matter what happens I’m sure it’s a good feeling to be recognized!

8 years ago

Wow! This makes a morning very good after all. Congratualtions, Klaudia! Best of luck, and I must say may the odds be ever in your favor! <3

8 years ago

Get it, dear! I am sure you can! 🙂 You deserve to be nominated.

Kerr Quevedo
8 years ago

Good work really does pay off especially when we’ve put our heart into it. I hope you win! Keep blogging!!!

8 years ago

Claudia! I am SOOOOOOO HAPPPPPPYYYYYYY FOR YOU!!!!!! WIN WIN WIN! I know you can! I believe in you!

8 years ago

How wonderful Claudia, congratulations and good luck!