Keep Your Home Safe While You’re Away!

Keep Your Home Safe While You’re Away!

In the summertime, it’s so easy to get wrapped up in the excitement of vacations and warm weather that important things such as taking small steps to keep your house safe get put aside. Since most homeowners take at least one trip during the summer, it’s so important to ensure that your home and belongings are safe while you’re away.

Keep Your Home Safe While You’re Away!
Keep Your Home Safe While You’re Away –©

Take care to follow these steps so that your home is protected this summer – and so you can gain some peace of mind.

• Keep your lawn trimmed.  A yard that’s not being cared for regularly is a dead giveaway that no one is home. Ask a neighbour or friend to trim your lawn and keep it tidy until you’re back.

• Move your spare keys to a safe location.  This tip may seem obvious, but it’s an easy one to forget. Keep any spare keys you typically leave outside in your home or with a trusted friend while you’re away. Don’t give burglars a simple way into your home!

• Set a timed light.  Trick those wanting to get inside your home into thinking that there’s someone a home. A quick and easy way to do so is to get a light that can be set on a timer. This way if someone peers in, it looks like someone is home and looking around for a midnight snack or watching TV.

Keep Your Home Safe
IMAGE Keep your home safe – look into getting affordable home security devices

• Look into getting affordable home security devices.  Devices such as security cameras, motion sensors, and glass-break sensors are proven to ward off burglars. Even just putting yard signs out warning of a security system in place scares them off. If you already have a system, make sure everything is connected and setup correctly before you leave. SimpliSafe’s Twitter page has tons of great safety tips related to your home security system.

• Put your mail on hold.  Just like an outgrown lawn, another characteristic in empty homes is a full mailbox. Head over to your post office before your trip to put your mail on hold. Also, try to avoid purchasing any online items that will be delivered while you’re away. Not only does an overflowing mailbox make it obvious that no one is home, burglars could steal important documents or expensive purchases if they’re outside for an extended amount of time.

• Avoid sharing too much on social media.  Although it can be fun to brag on social media about how much fun you’re having away from home, avoid oversharing this type of information. Hold off on posts related to your trip until you arrive back home. Make sure to check your privacy on these platforms as well. You never know who is checking out your profile – it might just be someone looking to break in!

Keep Your Home Safe While You’re Away- image:
IMAGE  Keep Your Home Safe While You’re Away –©

Has anything ever happened to your home while you have been away? Or do you know any more great tips to make your home safer? Please tell us about below in the comment section.

If you are a blogger yourself, please make sure to include a link to your blog so that I can reciprocate.

Thank you so much for your time!


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Silly Mummy
Silly Mummy
7 years ago

Good tips. I hate the stress of worrying about the house being empty when you go away.

Ellen Best
7 years ago

we never post hol snaps until we are back and have friend mow just the front lawnand collect from our outside mailbox twice a week. in return we reciprocate by walking her dog at times when she can’t and cooking her a fab meal. She doesn’t live too close but 4 miles twice a week does the job. Great tips I will get a timer for my garden light next time i am in town! Thank you.

jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
7 years ago

This is such great advice…so many times we are so focused on our upcoming travel, that we neglect the house issues…

7 years ago

At times, when I’ve had pets, I’ve either had a trusted neighbor look after my house or someone stay over at my house. Great way for young adults (who still live at home) to get a sense of responsibility without having to pay rent. Having many nieces and nephews, it wasn’t too hard to find someone.