Landscaping Ideas For The Front of The House

Easy Ways to Pretty up your Home this Spring
Your home is your pride and joy, probably the biggest investment you will ever make in your life and the place where you feel at your most safe and comfortable. So making it look nice is important, you should feel proud every time you return home each day! Now we’re well into spring it’s the perfect opportunity to repair any winter damage, and start making the front of the home look beautiful again. Here are some landscaping ideas for the front of the house that will help you making the most out of it.
• Clean The Outside
Before making any changes, it’s worth having a clean outside first. This could mean getting rid of any leaves or litter that’s blown through, and removing shoes or bicycles from outside. You could use a pressure washer to remove the buildup of moss from slabs or any oil spills from the driveway. Give the windows and door a clean too, either grab the ladders out of the shed or call in a window cleaning company. All of these jobs combined will have the front of the home looking better right away.

• Tackle Any Repairs
The autumn and winter weather from the last couple of months may well have caused some damage to the home. Put up any fences that have blown down, and check that no roof tiles have come off. This is particularly problematic since it can lead to leaks in the home, cause structural damage as well as mold. A company like Sugar Land roofing services can put any issues right and save you a lot of hassle and expense in the long run.
• Tidy the Front Garden
If you experienced any flooding over the winter, chances are your lawn is looking a little worse for wear. Buy some grass seed from a garden center and sprinkle it down, within a few weeks it will have germinated leaving your lawn looking full and healthy again. Trim down anything that’s grown out of control and pull up any weeds. If you’re planning on planting any seeds or sewing any bulbs in your flowerbeds or pots, now is the perfect time to do so.

• Paint Fences and Garage Doors
Over time, fences and garage doors can fade and look shabby. A quick coat will bring everything up to scratch and leave the front of your home to look far nicer. It’s likely to need to be done every couple of years, so if yours hasn’t been done in a while, this is a weekend project that will keep you busy.
• Decorate the Front Porch
Once the front of the home is neat, tidy and looking new, you can have fun with the decor! Some decorative hanging baskets for plants to decorate the front porch will look beautiful. You could buy a cute welcome mat, and some stunning lighting. Old-fashioned lanterns look great, and if you buy ones with a motion detector, they’re good from a security point of view too. These finishing touches are what will make your home look really well cared for.

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