Astonishing Lemon Honey Cinnamon Benefits For Your Overall Health

Astonishing Lemon Honey Cinnamon Benefits For Your Overall Health

We all know about the health advantages lemon and also cinnamon provides for our overall wellness, but did you know as well about the amazing benefits the mixture of lemon and cinnamon endows?

The Astonishing Lemon Honey Cinnamon Benefits
The Astonishing Lemon Honey Cinnamon Benefits

rich in vitamin C

purifies the body system

enhances your body immune system

speeds up the fat burning process

aids kidney stone treatment

relieves eye problem symptoms

anti-cancer properties

helps your digestion


Cinnamon can be the right cure for many disorders 


 Lemon Honey Cinnamon Benefits
Lemon Honey Cinnamon Benefits
Cinnamon :



natural joint pain relief

 blood sugar level degrees control

candida yeast infection relief

great for your stomach

protects against cancer

helps weight reduction

decreases cholesterol levels

toothache and gum tissue regeneration

 common cold and sore throat assistance

prevents Alzheimer’s

state of mind booster

prevents Parkinson disease

boosts memory


 What happens if we now combine these two healthy ingredients ?


 Some unanticipated health benefits the mixture will provide:


  • Joint Pain Relief

Mix well of 2 tbsps of cinnamon powder , 1 tsp of raw honey as well as a little lemon juice in a cup of water. Drink it every morning before your breakfast.

Lemon Honey Cinnamon Benefits
Lemon Honey Cinnamon Benefits

As a warm natural herb, cinnamon has solid anti-inflammatory characteristics, which is really useful for aches as well as pains.


  • Cough And Cold Remedy

The combo of these 2 components is extremely effective for you to recover from a coughing or cold , include some honey for additional benefits.

Lemon Honey Cinnamon Benefits
Lemon Honey Cinnamon Benefits For Your Overall Health

Lemon juice enhances the immune tract and fights off infections due to its rich vitamin C content. Cinnamon has solid anti-bacterial and anti-virus effects to relieve the sore throat symptoms you’re suffering from.


  • Acne and Pimples

Lemon Honey Cinnamon Benefits

Mix with each other a dash of lemon juice and 1 tsp of cinnamon powder for an efficient solution for acne and skin impurity . Use the blend on the affected areas and rinse with water after 15 minutes .
The antimicrobial properties of cinnamon aids you deal with the infection , and the acidity of the lemon juice will certainly quicken the drying of blemishes.


  • Wrinkles & skin ageing

This simple combination of lemon juice and cinnamon  makes one of the best  natural anti aging remedies , merely mix both ingredients well and apply the mixture to your face , massage gently as well as leave it on your face for some minutes prior to washing it off .
The abundant antioxidants in lemon juice aids healing the aged skin and the cinnamon lowers the appearance of wrinkles thanks to the collagen improving property.


  • Deep Cleanses Hair

Apply the blend of lemon juice along with cinnamon powder to the scalp when you are actually washing your hair for a deep-seated washing.

Lemon Honey Cinnamon Benefits
Lemon Honey Cinnamon Benefits

 Lemon juice is an outstanding element for healing the scalp as a result of its acid attributes . And also the cinnamon supplies your scalp along with exfoliation. 

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  • Weight loss

Include lemon juice and also cinnamon powder to a mug of water or green tea, which is a much better option to aid you to  attain your weight reduction objectives promptly. Lemon is well recognized for its fat burning properties, and cinnamon is well-known for its ability to speed up the metabolic process . The mix of them will certainly develop a fantastic beverage for shedding much more calories speed up the metabolic process and also fat.

related post :  Cinnamon can decrease tummy fat by Klaudia’s Corner

Lemon Honey Cinnamon Benefits


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8 years ago

I did already know about the benefits of both for digestion. I didn’t know about the other benefits, thanks for sharing this. I’m going to try those things.