Living With ADD : How To Cope As An Adult

Living with ADD

 How To Cope As An Adult

Living with ADD is something that affects many people. As a child, it’s difficult to manage. However, some people also struggle to deal with it in their adult lives. It’s not an easy thing to cope with, and it can affect day-to-day operations to a large degree. Let’s take a brief look at what ADD is, and how you can cope with it as an adult.

Living with ADD
Living With ADD & How To Cope As An Adult –

• What Is ADD?

ADD is short for Attention Deficit Disorder. It refers to people who struggle with a number of behavioural symptoms such as inattentiveness. If you’ve ever seen someone who finds it difficult to sit still or concentrate on one specific task, there’s a chance they are suffering from ADD. As we’ve already mentioned, children are normally identified with it from a very early age.

Living with ADD
Living with ADD – kids are usually identified with it from a very early age.

Over time, these symptoms often subside, but in some cases, they also follow into adult life. We haven’t yet determined the cause for ADD, but some studies have shown that it could be gene-related. There are a few other factors that might affect it, too, but there’s relatively little conclusive evidence. Statistics have also shown that it is more prevalent in boys than girls.

 • How To Cope

I’m going to presume that if you’re looking at this article, you’re probably concerned that you’ve got some of the symptoms. If you’re worried that you might be exhibiting these behaviours, go and see your local doctor. They’ll be able to analyse your current health and figure out whether you have ADD, as well as provide advice on how to cope with it. If you’ve already been down this route and you’re ready to explore the different coping mechanisms, let’s take a look at some of them.

Firstly, there are pill-based treatments that can help to treat the issue. Always talk to your doctor before taking these in case they affect any current medications you might be taking. There are pills that can be taken as a natural treatment for ADD if you desire. In the case of unnatural pills and treatments, you must take even greater care to ensure you won’t be harming your health.

Living with ADD
Always talk to your doctor before taking any kind of supplements!

ADD coaching is something that many people with the condition undertake as a way of training their mind. It comes in all sorts of different forms, with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy being perhaps the most common. Some medical practices will offer it for free or on a low-cost basis, but you won’t always get the best treatment. If you want to try and solve the issue this way, you’ll have to be prepared to fork out a bit of money for the best help.

There’s no substitute for a good, balanced healthy life. ADD is most prominent when you aren’t taking care of yourself, so you need to make sure you’re living well. Eat the right things , get the right amount of exercise , and ensure you have plenty of rest. In particular , if you’re overly tired and working too hard , your brain will be working overtime with ADD symptoms. Also , make sure you stay sociable during this time. Too much time spent as an introvert will allow your mind to become too active , which won’t help your ADD.

Living with ADD
Stay sociable.Too much time spent as an introvert won’t help living with ADD



Living with ADD
People who are living with ADD struggle with being organized


People who exhibit ADD symptoms are often particularly hard workers , rarely stopping to take breaks. While it’s good that hard work is an important thing to them , it can also cause all sorts of mental health issues. Regular rest stops are crucial for someone exhibiting ADD. As a result of taking on too much work , things can often become overwhelming for them. As a result, distractions creep in , and the ability to do the task at hand becomes compromised. This is also why it’s a good idea for people with ADD to keep a planner. By writing down all of the tasks that need to be done on a daily basis , it’ll be much easier to make sure they get completed.


Tidiness can also be a problem when ADD is involved . You see , people with ADD normally can’t stand the sight of clutter. However, they also struggle with being organized.

What’s the key to solving this? Doing everything in short bursts. The overwhelming nature of trying to clean an entire house from top to bottom might be too much. Instead , focus on one area at a time. As long as you’re making small progress , you’re doing enough.

Living with ADD doesn’t have to be too debilitating. It just means you’ll have to adapt to it to get the best out of your situation. Follow the tips we’ve talked about today, and tailor them to your everyday life.

Living with ADD
Living with ADD is possible –  adapt to it to make the best out of your situation!

Thanks a lot for reading,

take good care of yourself!



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Miza Magalhaes
8 years ago

Living with ADD is hard but living with a person with ADD is even harder.
I don’t think many people talk about this but it can be very hard and cross the mental abusive line when you are in a relation with a person with ADD.

Being terribly honest I think it is even worse when they have been diagnosticated with ADD because after that there is no more trying! There are only excuses and “You need to love me the way I’m” even when they are being just a selfcentred idiots.

Carol Cassara
8 years ago

Thank you for this. It is so important and I know of someone who has been struggling with this their entire lives. Eve

8 years ago

If having ADD means your blog looks as beautiful as this one, then maybe it’s not a bad thing (I love your header and you pictures!)

8 years ago

I see many at work who struggle with ADD and wonder if I’m struggling too.

8 years ago

Great post, I think alot of adults don’t realize they have it.