Minimalist In Life & Style – Decorating Ideas For The New Year 2017

Minimalist In

Life & Style

 Decorating Ideas For The New Year 2017

It has become some sort of trend to be minimalist in life. Be that your home and even your mind. A lot of people tend to want to start a decluttering process at the beginning of the year, and as we are fast approaching new year’s eve, I thought it would be a good time to discuss. With that in mind, here are some tips on decluttering your home for the new year.

Minimalist in Life & Style
Minimalist in Life & Style – Decorating Ideas For The New Year 2017

  • Shelving can be a huge cluttered area

Shelves can be the biggest issue in a home. They can appear overcrowded and cluttered without you even intentionally making them that way. Making a conscious decision to only display certain things can make a room appear lighter and less cluttered. This is the perfect opportunity for your to create storage solutions for all those other items, making your home feel less cluttered and more organized.

Minimalist In Life
Minimalist in Life & Style –
  • Consider items that could have another purpose or life elsewhere

Of course, some items that you no longer need may have another purpose or life elsewhere. So it is worth considering items that you could donate to local charity shops and hand down to family members. Even considering selling at car boot sales or online. The extra money could help build up your savings. The best question to ask yourself is whether you need it, or could someone else get more use out of it? 

Minimalist in Life & Style
Minimalist in Life & Style – What to do with old furniture? Try to sell it!

On another point, you might be wondering what to do with old furniture that perhaps couldn’t be sold on or handed down to family members. These pieces of furniture can often take up space in your home and could be better disposed of. Thankfully, there are companies around that can take care of the hard graft for you.

  • Don’t create a huge task

It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the task at hand. So try and tackle your decluttering approach in a different way. Consider doing bursts of five minutes each day, or even combatting one cupboard or drawer at a time. If you can even just focusing on one room is a great place to start. Little and often can be the biggest and easiest way to begin decluttering your home once and for all. Some people also consider getting themselves a bag and walking around filling it each day. Decluttering your home this way ensures that you can stick to the end goal in sight, instead of losing hope halfway through a job

Minimalist in Life & Style
Minimalist in Life & Style  –
  • A clean home feels like a much nicer space to be in

It may sound crazy, but sometimes just giving your house a thorough clean, or keeping on top of the day to day chores, can make a huge difference to how your home looks and feels. Developing your own weekly house cleaning schedule is a great tip to keep on top of those daily chores. Plus, at the end of the day, your home always feels consistent instead of just clean or untidy.

Minimalist in Life
Minimalist in Life & Style –  Developing your own weekly house cleaning schedule is a great tip

I hope, this article has provided you with inspiration if decluttering is a priority for you in January.


I am wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

Thank you so much for your time and support during my first year of blogging. Without you all I probably wouldn’t be writing but knitting right now. Thanks for keeping me going!



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Blair villanueva
Blair villanueva
8 years ago

Hello Klaudia! Thabk you for sharing us these organizing tips! Truly I needee to think ways to organize and make a little changes to my dull flat. Your post will be a big help to me 🙂