Nutrition and Healing – Discover the Health Benefits of Herbal Tea

Nutrition and Healing

discover the health benefits of herbal tea 

Not only do the best herbal teas have a positive effect on our health, they make delicious and relaxing drinks as well. Let’s have a look at some nutrition and healing facts and reveal the mystery of healing herbal teas.

  • 1. Chamomile Tea Benefits

Chamomile is probably the most popular herb that’s used in teas worldwide. Chamomile aids the stomach and relieves bloating. Chamomile is also believed to calm the mind and help to deal much better with stress. People who struggle with finding relaxing sleep should try drinking a cup of chamomile tea before going to bed.

Chamomile tea was already used by the ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians as a balm for wounds to speed up the healing process. Chamomile is popular for its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antioxidant effects. Research has shown that chamomile can even help people suffering from diabetes and also helps with hyperglycemia.

Nutrition and Healing
Nutrition and Healing – chamomile tea
  • 2. Lavender Tea Benefits

Lavender tea is made out of the dried flowers that grow on the lavender shrubs. Known for its relaxing effects on the body,  lavender tea (and oil) has been highly regarded for the skin. It can be used to cleanse cuts, compresses on bruises and common irritations of the skin. A cup of lavender tea can soothe your mind and help you fall in sleep. Another great benefit of lavender tea is its uplifting effect when you’re feeling down or depressed. Lavender tea soothes flatulence, colics, bowel infections and calms down the symptoms of an upset stomach. Lavender tea eases mucilaginous cough, bronchitis, asthma and other respiratory problems.  Lavender is antipyretic, it lowers the body temperature during fever.   

  • 1. Nettle Tea Benefits

Nettle tea is made of the leaves of the stinging nettle plant. Nettle is one of the best natural remedies for a wide array of disorders such as anaemia, coughs and colds, rheumatism, arthritis, high blood pressure as well as kidney and bladder problems. Nettle tea is also used to treat an enlarged prostate naturally, urinary tract infections and hay fever. The nettle root is more common to be extracted with alcohol, prepared as a tincture, or dried and made into a tea.

Nutrition and Healing
Nutrition and Healing 
  • 4. Ginger Tea Benefits

Everything good is found in ginger according to an old Indian proverb. With its luscious flavour, ginger is one of the healthiest spices in the world and a powerful energizer. People with arthritis should consider drinking ginger tea regularly since it is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown that ginger can help in slowing down the loss of brain cells, which is the trigger for Alzheimer’s Disease. Ginger tea is easy to make and has been proven effective at relieving gas.

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  • 5. Rosemary Tea Benefits

Rosemary is not only great for spicing up your cooking, but it also makes a healthy and powerful tea. Rosemary tea benefits are known as: It helps your muscles to relax and also is recommended as a valuable digestive aid. If you suffer from gallbladder – and liver disorders, drinking rosemary tea will help relieve your symptoms. Rosemary tea also alleviates mild asthma symptoms.

Nutrition and Healing
Nutrition and Healing – The Health Benefits of Herbal Tea
  • 6. Green Tea Benefits

The benefits of green tea are really incredibly manifold. Green tea is called the “wonder herb” by tea lovers and is believed to even help in losing weight! Green tea lowers cancer risk it’s believed to restrain carcinogenic in cigarettes. Green Tea is rich in antioxidants, which keeps the free radicals under control. Another amazing benefit of green tea is that it lowers cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Also, cavity and tooth decay can be soothed with green tea.

  • 7. Peppermint Tea Benefits

Peppermint tea helps you in digesting food better and reduces digestive issues. Peppermint is very efficacious for people with irritable bowel syndrome and gallstones. Peppermint tea also eases nausea and vomiting. If you suffer from heartburns, stay away from peppermint tea as it might increase the symptoms. Peppermint tea is believed to bring down the gravity of herpes outbreaks. The fresh mint flavour of the peppermint herb freshens your breath.

Nutrition and Healing

  • 8. Lemon Tea Benefits

Lemon balm tea is very effective in calming nerves. Mix lemon tea with valerian to treat anxiety, stress or insomnia.  Lemon tea and lemon balm contain various properties which help to treat herpes, it is also applied to regulate the thyroid function. Lemon tea has a calming effect on an upset stomach and reduces flatulence. Drinking lemon tea also helps if you suffer from nerve pain, furthermore, strengthens it brain functions and memory.

  • 9. Cardamom Tea Benefits     

Cardamom is a plant that’s found mainly in India and Guatemala. Cardamom flowers and the sweet aromatic seeds are used to prepare tea. Cardamom tea has a sweet and aromatic flavour, it prevents stomach pain, helps digestion and relieves flatulence. Drinking cardamom tea is also recommended if you are feeling nauseous. It’s also popular as a great expectorant and relieves coughs. Cardamom tea is also believed to be stimulating for women who experience mood swings during their menstrual period or during menopause.

  • 10. Hawthorn Tea Benefits

Hawthorn leaves, flowers and berries are used in a variety of teas. The plant contains highly effective flavonoids that help improve cardiovascular health by helping to relax and widen the blood vessels, which reduces stress on the heart. Hawthorn berries are also known for draining the body of excess salt.       

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Nutrition and Healing – hawthorn berries
  • 11. Rosehip Tea Benefits

Rose hips, the fruit of rose plants, belong to the best plant sources of vitamin C and A , calcium and iron. Additional, Rose hips are a great source of bioflavonoids, pectin, vitamin E and B-complex vitamins. It is also popular to relieve the symptoms of kidney disorder and to help in the case of mild constipation.

  • 12. Hibiscus Flower Tea Benefits

One of my own favourite teas is hibiscus flower tea. As a child, I already loved that red yummy brew. The benefits of hibiscus flower tea include relief from high blood pressure and increased cholesterol level, digestive and inflammatory problems. It helps to cure liver diseases and reduces the risk of cancer.

It is believed to speed up metabolism and aid in healthy weight loss. Hibiscus flower tea takes care of our immune defence system and reduces hypertension. Try iced hibiscus flower tea, add some slices of oranges and lemons, maybe some halved grapes, sweeten it slightly, lots of ice cubes, et voilà .. a non-alcoholic delicious ‘summer sangria’!

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Nutrition and Healing – delicious hibiscus flower tea
  • 13. Blackberry Tea Benefits 

Dried in the sun and prepared with boiling water, blackberry leaves are known for their antioxidant activity. Not only that teas made from berries are really scrumptious, the health benefits are just incredible! From better digestive health, better functioning of the heart, a stronger immune system to prevent cancer, this versatile fruit is a right allrounder. Blackberry aids in improving memory, weight loss management, keeping bones and skin healthy and is believed to have a positive effect on our eyes (and vision)

  • 13. Lemongrass
 Tea Benefits                                                     

The delicious citrusy touch that comes from the lemongrass plant is very popular in cooking as well as tea. Lemongrass tea is often served as a ‘digestive’ to aid digestion. Lemongrass contains a substance called citral, which is known for its digestive property.  Try Green Iced Tea ( green tea blended with mint and lemongrass ) over ice this summer!

Nutrition and Healing
Nutrition and Healing – It’s Healthy Tea Time 
  • 14. Pu-Erh Tea Benefits

Made from a variety of fermented and aged dark teas, produced in Yunnan ( China )  and named after Pu’er City. A recent study revealed that animals, given Pu-Erh, gained less weight and had a significantly reduced LDL cholesterol level. Chinese people firmly believe in the health benefits of Pu-Erh, especially accelerated weight loss, reduction of serum cholesterol, and cardiovascular protection.

  • 15. Echinacea

Although not very popular as tea, Echinacea is frequently used to boost our immune system. It’s a powerful herb rich in active substances that reduce inflammation and have antioxidant effects. The leaves and flowers of the plant are believed to contain polysaccharides (known to boost the immune system activity).

The body is like a piano, and happiness is like music. It is needful to have the instrument in good order! Henry Ward Beecher

Thanks a lot for reading

Klaudia xx










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Jerwel De Perio
Jerwel De Perio
8 years ago

I am also into tea and I have tried different leaves with different brews. Ever since I drink tea at least 3 times a day, for the last two years, I can already feel the benefits of each tea leaves.

8 years ago

I’m familiar with herbal teas cos I encounter some at spa. It’s a great antioxidant and it’s refreshing especially on a cold weather.

8 years ago

whoah! That’s a lot. I didn’t know that there are so many different kinds of tea and it comes with different benefits too.

jaear paguio
8 years ago

To be honest i know that Tea is all good for us an all but i just can’t deal with the taste unless is the sweet kind of tea. Hopefully i get the habit of drinking it.

8 years ago

The only ones that I’ve tried were Chamomile, Lemon and Green Tea. I could definitely attest that they truly bring good nutrition and give our bodies good things. Chamomile tea has helped me relax and have a good sleep!

8 years ago

I am not a regular tea drinker, but I occasionaly enjoy tea when in the right mood. I love chamomile and ginger tea. Chamomile tea relaxes me while ginger tea is something that I drink when I have a cough. Nettle is something that is new to me and if I do chance upon it, I’ll surel give it a try.

Dominic Barrios
8 years ago

I totally love teas especially when we have our bible studies in one of our friend’s place. Everything they prepare there is just from their backyard. So after having a heavy dinner, tea is readily available. Btw this list is really helpful especially now that we’re considering of growing plants in our own backyard.

Virag Horvath
8 years ago

I’m drinking a bio earl grey tea every morning and herbal tea at noons. My favorites are the lemon grass and the chamomile tea, but as I read, levander tea could be great for relaxing, so I’m gonna try it I’m sure!

8 years ago

I am Chinese so drinking tea is something I should be doing more of. Anyway, of all the teas you listed, I super like the first one – chamomile. I like green tea and sometimes black tea too. 🙂 Like anything else, drink in moderation.

8 years ago

I drink tea every day! Lots of tea. At work I drink tea the whole day. There my favorite is green tea with acai. When I go out, I love fresh mint tea the most. I’ll try some of your tips! I’ll keep drinking both since I see they have some nice benefits.