How To Change The Look Of Your Home Season To Season

 Seasonal Home Decorations

How to Change the Look of Your Home Season to Season

Changing the look of your home each season can be lots of fun. During winter, you can have a home that feels warm and cozy, and during summer, you can have a home that feels fresh and airy. Matching your home to the season can be a great way to enjoy your home better. Read on and find out how to change your seasonal home decorations easy and affordable.

Seasonal Home Decorations
Seasonal Home Decorations –©

   • 1. Find Simple Ways to Switch it Up – One of the best ways to change the look of your home from season to season is to find simple ways to switch it up. You don’t want to have to redecorate your whole house every time a new season rolls around. After all, they come around so quickly! Maybe you could change your furniture, or do something like wallpapering a wall. There are so many quick things you can do to give your home a brand new look.

Seasonal Home Decorations

   • 2. Change your Accessories – Changing your accessories is really quick and easy. You can do this with new accessories each time a new season rolls around if you want, or you can have a specific set of accessories you use for each season. It could be a simple case of changing light shades, cushions, and things like that.

Seasonal Home Decorations
Change light shades or cushions to create a new atmosphere…

You don’t need to spend a fortune every time it’s time to give your home a new look. When there’s a special occasion you can have accessories for that too, like fun Christmas ornaments.

   • 3. Go for a New Paint Colour – It doesn’t take all that long to paint a room, so why not go for a new paint colour? You could create a feature wall painting or go for a colour all over. Many people freshen up paint jobs each season anyway, so why not just change the colour?

   • 4. Opt for Neutral with a Pop of Colour – Going for a neutral colour decor through your home and then adding colour where you like could be a good idea. You could make the main elements neutral, such as your sofa and your walls. Then you can add all kinds of coloured and patterned accessories depending on the mood you’re in!

new look home improvement
Go for neutral and add some coloured cushions…

   • 5. Change the Window Treatments – Your window treatments will make a big difference to the feel of your home. Blinds are great for summer, and they can even help to regulate the temperature. Curtains are good for winter. They feel cozier and could help to keep the heat in. Swapping them each season will instantly change the feel of your home.

Seasonal Home Decorations
Blinds are great for summer, curtains are better for winter…

   • 6. Just Clean Up – How about just cleaning up? Get rid of things that no longer serve you. Many professionals will tell you that if it isn’t useful or beautiful, you should get rid of it. Get rid of things you haven’t been using, or sell/give them away. You can start afresh each season this way, and won’t have an accumulation of junk.

Seasonal Home Decorations
Seasonal Home Decorations –©

Changing your home from season to season can be so much fun. Use these tips and you’ll be able to do it without spending much or putting much effort in at all!

Thank you very much for your precious time!

Cheers Klaudia
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Roy Miller
8 years ago

Great ideas, particularly about the paint colors and the accessories. Those are both items that the average homeowner could do that would not cost a lot of money.

8 years ago

Some lovely ideas, Claudia. I have never used wall paper but would love to give it a try sometime.

8 years ago

Great ideas to change up the home every season, I’d probably only do accesories, like adding more throws in the winter and changing up my cushion covers! Great tips, wish I had the funds to add feature walls every now and then!

Marge Gavan
8 years ago

We don’t really change the look of our house according to season in my country, well save for Christmas. But reading your post, I realized, why not, it doesn’t even have to be a big change. just a little tweaking on the decorations and the house already looks different and on season.

Dorothy Mae C. Torretijo
8 years ago

Great decoration ideas!! Too colorful and beautiful. If I’ll decorate my room, I’ll just use minimalist colors.

Rachel Arandilla
8 years ago

What a timely post. I am moving to Manila on my own for the first time and need to make my new place ‘my own’. These are great tips to decorating your own place and make it more homey!

8 years ago

Redecorating gives a different ambiance to one’s home. It always feel good to come home every time if you have a clean and well organized area. Great tips!

Aika Loraine
8 years ago

Great ideas! If i have my own house already, i think ill change the theme if it’s summer, rainy and christmas. Hahaha.

8 years ago

I love changing the style of my home as much as possible. By season is a good idea and it could really give a kind of motivating vibe. 🙂

8 years ago

More of this please! I am just moved and we have so much to do. I can use some inspirational home decor ideas. I like that the ideas are fast. To paint one wall can make such a difference or using different pillows like you write. Cool post!!!

8 years ago

As I go through your post, I was thinking, one by one, could I do this? Do I need to? Does it matter? And then I came to the last tip. Clean up. So I was like… yeah, I need to and doing so will radically change the look of my apartment! LOL! That tells you the mess I have. Ssshhh…

Stella the Travelerette
8 years ago

I’m so bad at decorating! I don’t entertain a lot so I don’t see the need. But your pictures look so nice it makes me want to start! I do like the idea of decorating with a neutral and then switching up the accent colors. Or I could try window treatments!

8 years ago

These are some great,yet simple ideas. I shifted to a new place recently and looking to decorate it. This comes handy! Thanks. Btw, is that your place? I am in love with all of the looks

8 years ago

Great ideas, I am the anti woman I guess. Can’t really get into decorating. I could see how nice it would be to change with the seasons