Simple Solutions For Your Kids’ Decor Disasters
As anyone with kids understands, it’s pointless spending big money on your home decoration. As your babies grow into toddlers and beyond, they will be into experimentation in a big way. That’s going to involve all kinds of things, from throwing food around to ripping off your expensive, hand printed wallpaper. But even your basic decor is at risk, and it’s a constant fight to keep your home in excellent condition. If this sounds familiar, read on. I’ve pulled together some simple solutions for dealing with your child’s home decor disasters.
The Kitchen

Let’s start with one of your toddler’s favourite places , the kitchen. They just love to root around in your cupboards, find things and act like mum or dad by creating ‘wonderful’ meals. It’s going to be messy -unless you think twice about how to organize your kitchen to prevent any major dramas. There’s a safety aspect to this, of course. Put anything dangerous well out of reach, including sharp knives and heavy pans. You can also think about getting locks and latches for your cupboards, to stop them from pulling everything out. Not only will this prevent them damaging floors, but it will also stop them from swinging on cabinet doors and breaking the hinges.
Watch out for your worktops, too. Cheap laminated and wooden worktops are unlikely to last five minutes with a toddler in the house, as they are so soft and chip easily. Instead of having a wooden worktop, think of investing in a hard stone surface like granite. It will last a lifetime and stand up to the most vigorous of toddlers.
Carpet stains are a common issue for anyone with young children. Food, drinks – and worse – can easily lead to unattractive stains that won’t shift. Look into hiring professional carpet cleaners first, and also think about where you allow food consumption in the home. Many parents end up moving their dining area out of a room, and into the kitchen instead. It’s just so much easier to clean and look after – so worth thinking about for the future.
Leather Couches
Anyone who buys a gorgeous new couch before having kids is going to regret it. First of all, your couch will have to deal with bodily fluids, and spilt milk. Then it needs to contend with food stains – and a lot of jumping and rolling around. By the time your toddlers hit school age, your couch is going to be in ruins. There is a simple solution, though – leather couches. It’s easy to clean and even starts to look better with a little wearing. As long as you invest in some strong springs. It should easily last the distance. And, most importantly, look better than it did when you bought it.
Wall Writing Decor
Let’s get one thing out of the way first – ‘ wall writing decor ‘ is an important part of your child’s development. You should never punish your kids for being expressive, even though it’s an enormous pain! Discuss it with them and introduce them to paper. And, when it comes to cleaning, make sure you use the correct techniques for each different material. You can remove most stains from walls, as long as you are careful.
Hope this has helped – get in touch if you have any more tips to add.
Klaudia xx