Special Occasion Hair Dos ~The Four Stages Of Success

 Special Occasion Hair Dos

The four Stages of Success

special occasion hair dos
Special occasion hair dos ~ there are numerous pretty up style hairdos!

Special occasions often involve the opportunity to dress up and make an impression. It’s likely that we’ll start thinking about our makeup, outfit, and accessories ahead of time. But what about our hair? For many people, their hair is a last-minute consideration other than a quick brush through! But if we’re really dressing to impress, our hair can lift a look to the next level.

Special Occasion Hair Dos
Special occasion hair dos ~ adding white flowers to wedding hair dos! 

Great hair doesn’t have to mean an extravagant or fussy style. It can be as simple or as elaborate as we want it to be. Whatever our hair type or length, the styles that look best will flatter our features and compliment the outfit we’ve chosen. If you’re planning to make the most of your hair for a special occasion, consider these tips.

1. Start Ahead Of Time

If we have the luxury of being able to plan ahead, we should take full advantage. Start preparing your hair for the event by taking care of it. Condition it with a hair mask, or go for a trim to freshen it up. Grooming details like this are perhaps especially important if you’re going for a simple style or planning to leave your hair down.

Special Occasion Hair Dos
Start preparing your hair for the event, go for a trim to freshen it up.

Pampering your hair with a few extra products can make all the difference to its shine and manageability. Hair oils can improve the appearance of dry split ends, for example, especially if we use them for a few days before the event. If it has been cared for ahead of time, our hair will look healthy and beautiful on the day or night of the event.

2. Consider Your Outfit

Some outfits benefit from certain hairstyles. If we have a beautiful or unusual neckline, for example, an up-do will show it off and add real elegance to the look. If our outfit has a laid-back, bohemian vibe then loose, textured waves can complete the look. Think about the overall effect you’d like to create as well as areas of the outfit you’d like to show off. An outfit and hairstyle can really compliment each other.

3. Accessories and Hair Pieces

A special occasion can be the perfect time to rock an eye-catching accessory like a dainty headband or jewelled clip. It is also popular to add hair pieces or extensions to add volume, length or thickness. This step is possibly for the more experienced. Hair extension care and upkeep can be major. But it’s worth considering if you’re going for the “wow” factor. An extra bit of sparkle or even flowers can draw attention to even a very simple style. Accessories can give a fun, youthful dimension to any outfit.

Special Occasion Hair Dos
 Special Occasion Hair Dos – klaudiascorner.net

4. Practice Makes Perfect

It is normal to feel a bit nervous before a special occasion and there are usually lots of things to prepare. If time allows, practise the style well in advance of the event. Especially if you have never tried it before. If you’re having professional input on the day, it can be worth having a rehearsal or trial of the style ahead of time.

Special Occasion Hair Dos
Elegant ‘up hairdos’ combined with the right outfit & accessories

We may like a style in principle but then dislike it on our own facial features. There would be nothing more disappointing than discovering this on the day. Plan ahead, play around, and you can approach the style with confidence when the time comes.

special occasion hair dos
A special occasion can be the perfect time to rock an eye-catching accessory

Thanks a lot for reading, I hope I could inspire you to try some new hairdos for your own next special occasion.

Be amazing!




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8 years ago

Great tips for preparing the hair, I’ve not been able to do anything fancy with my hair since its been short, I can’t wait for it to grow so I can try new styles! I have a wedding coming up next year, I’m a bridesmaid, so I will have to practice some styles when I get my dress. Very helpful post!

aika loraine
aika loraine
8 years ago

my hair grew longer now and I am doing some curls on it. I like the hair do. looks glam and cheek. I agree with you, outfit should be considered ALWAYS for special occasions.

8 years ago

Loving this post of yours. I used to wear and sell hair extensions so I also enjoy beautiful hairdos. Right now though the short cut fits the summer

8 years ago

my sister is actually trying to make her hair much longer because she is aiming to get her hair braid like this…it looks really cool and I wonder how much time is spent just to make it right! Kudos!

Rhyming with Wine
Rhyming with Wine
8 years ago

I love a nice up-do and I particularly like to see flowers in hair. There’s just something so strikingly beautiful and simple about it. Great tips and advice. Thanks for sharing with #passthesauce x

8 years ago

Imagine the time it takes to prepare. Haha, for women. I go for haircut, that’s it. But women are just being women and that’s the way it is.

Becky, Cuddle Fairy
8 years ago

I love the hair do’s with flowers! How beautiful for this time of year. I think the hair do makes a huge difference to the whole look & definitely shouldn’t be a last minute thought – although that’s usually the case with me unless I’m going to a wedding or big event. #passthesauce x

8 years ago

Thanks for the advice! I have long hair now, but I used to have short hair. So I often feel that I don’t know what to do with my hair. I will definitely keep these tips in mind the next time I have a special occasion.

Stella @ Travelerette
Stella @ Travelerette
8 years ago

This sounds like great advice! I have long hair now but I had short hair for most of my life. So I often feel like I don’t know what to do with my hair. I will try to follow this advice next time I have a special occasion.

8 years ago

I miss my long hair! I have vowed to not post any pics until my hair is long again. Beautiful pics.