Treat Insomnia Naturally
with these powerful plants
It is well known that sleep is vital for human organisms. It helps us to recover from our everyday activities and “recharge our batteries”. Sleep is an exceptionally crucial element for shaping a good sports figure as muscle growth is known to occur during deep periods of sleep. According to recent studies, about 20 % of people worldwide regularly suffer from insomnia. But before taking drugs with probably horrible side effects for liver and stomach try home remedies. Here are some powerful plants that can help soothe your nerves and aid in your insomnia. Which ones are the most popular and how do they affect our sleep?
1. Valerian
A popular grass or shrub belonging to the group of dicotyledonous plants and famous for its sedative features. Valerian; Valerian-Root (Valeriana officinalis, Valerianaceae) has small flowers and forms clusters. Scented oils used in medicine and perfumery are extracted from the roots of different types of valerian. Valerian can not only better sleep but also shortens its duration.

So, if you suffer from insomnia, it is recommended that you should drink a decoction of this herb every evening for at least 4 weeks. It is crucial that valerian should not be drunk for more than the prescribed time. Otherwise, it will have the opposite effect … your nervous system will become overexcited instead of soothed.
2. Passiflora
Passiflora also is known as “passionflower”, “flower of passion”, etc. belongs to the family of creeping heat-loving plants which bloom in yellow, blue, red and many other colours. It originates from South America; there are about 500 species of passiflora all of which multiply by seeds and cuttings.
During winter, it is necessary to retract it in warm places. Passiflora has simultaneously sedative and anxiolytic effects, it eliminates tension, anxiety and stress and contributes to healthy sleep. In cases of nervousness, you should take a decoction of passiflora three times a day; if the problem is more serious– take two cups of passiflora before sleeping.
3. Lemon Balm
Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) is a herbaceous perennial of the family Lamiaceae. It is found in southern Europe and the Mediterranean region. It originates from the area around the Mediterranean Sea. It is cultivated in many European and Northern American countries. In height, balm reaches 70-150 cm. Its leaves have a mild smell of lemon. In late summer small flowers full of nectar occur.

They attract bees, hence the genus name Melissa (Greek for “honey bee”) Its flavour comes from the following terpenoid chemical compounds: citronella, geraniol, linalyl acetate and caryophyllene. Lemon Balm grows in shrubs and thin forests, in grassy and rocky places throughout the country. It is predominantly popular for its anti-spasm and digestive effects. However, Lemon balm also affects sleep restoring it and eliminating problems. While drinking the herb, it is recommended to combine it with other plants such as lemon, hawthorn and passiflora.
4. Hawthorn
Hawthorn (Crataegus) is a sort of coated seed plant of the family Rosaceae. There are several hundreds of species of shrubs and small trees native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Hawthorn regulates health rhythm and harmonies biological processes. It also has sedative effects on our central nervous systems. If you have sleep problems, drink the decoction of hawthorn 2-3 times a day for a period of 3 weeks. Hawthorn combined with valerian is highly recommended!

5. Dill
Dill (Anethum graveolens) is an annual plant used as a spice added to some meals and as a component for the production of some medicines. It has a strong scent and sweet and acrid flavour. Dill has also favourable effects on our sleep. 50 grammes of dill seeds are boiled in half a litre of red wine for 15 minutes at low heat. The mixture is left to stay for 1 hour, after that it is filtered. It is good to drink 2 tablespoons before going to bed.
all info sources
Could you find some precious tips for yourself in this post? Should you know some more natural ways to fight insomnia or maybe you suffer yourself from insomnia, please tell us about in the comments. Thanks a lot in advance for sharing your experiences and tips with us.
Take care!
Very helpful list!
Thank you for reading , Michelle 🙂 Have a lovely weekend !
Thanks for these tips, I may be a challenge to look for these herbs in PH. Let me share though, one of my trick to fall asleep- I will either eat an apple or banana, and drink chamomile tea. In about an hour, I will passed out 🙂
I have always had a hard time falling asleep so it became a habit when I am suppose to sleep, I watch an episode or two, somehow I just fall sleep. Scents also work for me, lavender. At times, I take melatonin and that works wonder for me too.
I had difficulty sleeping before. But now that I have a baby, he sleeps a lot and I join him. I never knoew sleeping could be so enjoyable. Ihihi.
Anyway, this is a helpful post as I am not even aware there are plants available to help us with our sleeping problems. And looking at the plants, they are nice and they could even make beautiful accent at home. I know of some friends with insomnia and I will share this with them.
Thank you.
This is very helpful! I’m not familiar with these plants though and I’m not sure if it’s readily available here in the Philippines but I think the Lemon Balm looks familiar. I’m not sure what we call it here. Thankfully, I’m not suffering with insomnia yet. My aunt does, though. Will share this info to her. Thanks!
Thank you , Aika ! I hope , your aunt can find some help in this post !
I suffer from insomnia time to time and I found this post immensely useful!
I prefer to opt for herbal treatments before medical; I normally use Valerian but who knew Dill could help!? ^_^
I also loved how you included a short recipe on how to prepare it!
Thank you so much for your insight! 🙂
I haven’t tried it yet, but I heard 1 tablespoon of honey and 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon before bed is suppose to help you sleep better. Sounds like a yummy remedy.
Thank god I don’t have insomnia but this is really helpful for those who do have. Thank you for writing though.
Thanks for visiting and commenting , David . Lucky you ! It is stress pure if you can’t get the needed hours of sleep and affects your overall health .
So useful! I honestly didn’t know about any of these, though I have heard of Valerian. I have sleep Apnea which is a little different and generally it isn’t about falling asleep. I have also read b6 is essential for sleeping.