True natural beauty comes from the inside !
True beauty as well as inner beauty comes from the spirit and soul !
..and again my mum was right !
Each of us has probably heard this saying already so often that it sounds quite trivial meanwhile . The fact , that in the expression really quite a lot of truth is , Chinese researchers of the Huazhong University of Science and Technology have found out .

In November 2014 they have published their results of the research in the magazine “Personality and Individual Differences”. Within the study 120 students (60 men and 60 women) had a look at 60 photos of female faces and should value this by her attraction. Two weeks later the same faces were presented to the students once again . However, this time, they got to every picture a few short info to the supposed personality of the illustrated person . As a result, the test persons should value the attraction of the women once more.

The descriptions really had a huge influence on the assessments although the students were asked to judge only the optics of the ladies. Thus the attraction level sank … originally as attractively classified , women considerably if these were described for example as ‘nasty’.
This proves :
1. If a person is likeable to us , we find her or him automatically optically more attractive ! True beauty aswell as inner beauty comes from the spirit and soul !
2. And again my mum was right … true natural beauty comes from the inside !
Beauty is not in the face , Beauty is a light in the Heart Kahlil Gibran