A Very Hearty Welcome To My Blog!

Hi, thank you for clicking on the ‘about’ button, that means you are interested in getting to know a little more about the author, thus me. That’s nice, I appreciate that! So, here’s a short summary of who I am.
I am Klaudia, for most of my friends Claudia, but according to my birth certificate, it’s Klaudia. I am somewhere in my 50’s now, born and raised in Germany. I have been self-employed from when I was 25. In December 2001 I left Germany with a one-way ticket and moved to the beautiful sunny south of Spain, more precisely to the Canary Islands. Full of enthusiasm and energy I started on creating a ‘new lifestyle’ and building up a new business. Yes, I worked hard but I enjoyed my days at least as ‘hard’. All went almost perfect, until…
In 2013 I was forced into giving up my business due to health problems. Going from 200 mph to ‘rien ne va plus’ has not been easy for a hyperactive workaholic like me. Well, it is as it is, it could have been worse. As with all in life, some might give up, others get up. And I have decided on the second. Get up Klaudia, you have got so much spare time to make the most of now, there are so many new challenging things you could do. And so here we are, my first new project has become concrete.
Klaudia’s Corner Life&Style Magazine came to life. I love reading and writing about women’s daily life things, whether it’s beauty tips, health and wellness, family- and relationship, a good and affordable lifestyle in general or how to make your house a cosy home without spending a fortune. Creating and embracing a happier lifestyle, starting with the little things, taking nothing for granted and enjoying this one life we’ve got, that is what I aim for. Life can be truly beautiful, no matter what, it solely depends on what you make out of it!
So, welcome to my blog, I hope, you’ll enjoy reading through and come back many times for more.
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Now, grab your 10 chapter E-book and take it as a little appreciation for your loyalty from me to you – absolutely free of charge goes without saying!
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