What Is Essential For Living A Really Good Life?

 What Is Essential For Living

Really Good Life?

It’s all too easy to find ourselves in situations we didn’t quite expect. We start off on one track and then years later, find out we haven’t deviated from that road for quite some time. We become so preoccupied with what’s right in front of us that the other plans we had for our life, our hopes and dreams, are sometimes left too far behind, to the point where it feels like they might never be regained.

Being too Career Focused can Ruin your Life and Health

 What Is Essential For Living
What is essential for living a really good life? klaudiascorner.net

But good news! Whatever your dreams are, they are always able to be revived. It just requires a bit of courage to take the step and put yourself in a position where you’re able to make them happen. 

What Is Essential For Living A Really Good Life?

How to have a good life? Well, by giving yourself the gift of time. You have most everything else that you could want in life, but time is nearly always the one thing that we’re unable to have. Only, you can have time – if you take a step back from your career and focus on yourself for a while. 


   – The Benefits

It might seem like a bold move to take a step back from all the hard work you’ve put in to get to where you are now, but think about it for a moment: what is it you’re working for? Are you in your job now because you really, in your heart of hearts and deep, deep down really want to be there? Or are you trapped in your career because you’re afraid of stepping off the hamster wheel that has served you so well up until this stage?

What Is Essential For Living A Really Good Life
Are you trapped in your career?

If you’ve built up enough experience, then you’ll surely be able to find another position in the future, after your break. And guess what? During your time away you’ll have picked a whole host of new skills that can be put into practice when you get back. So, why not escape from the daily grind and take a Gap Year? You might even find a new career for yourself as you get out into the world and get to know yourself a bit better. And then, of course, there’s the boost in energy you’ll have when you get back!

   – Consider Sabbatical 

Ah, yes, we knew there would be one awkward conversation you’d need to have before you set off on your adventure. You’ll know your relationship with your employer’s better than I do, but they’re usually more receptive to workers taking a sabbatical than you might think. If they show an initial resistance, explain your situation clearly – and also let them know that they’ll A. save on your salary and B. won’t have to train a new member of staff, as you’ll be back at a predetermined stage. If they’re not willing to break their policy of allowing workers to take a sabbatical, then your only option will be to quit. But it might just be worth it….

   – Rewarding Your Hard Work

Whether you have to quit or are given a sabbatical, you’ll still need to find a way to fund the break away from your regular life. The good news is that if you’ve been working hard for several years then you probably already have the cash available, even if you don’t quite know it yet. If you own a house, then use a service like Home Promise to refinance your mortgage and free up some of the cash that’s already yours. You won’t be setting off tomorrow, so you’ll also have the time to save money. It might mean you have to reduce your monthly expenditures quite significantly, but there are plenty of ways to save money in a few months.

 What Is Essential For Living
Make something really good out of your time and start working as a volunteer now, there is so much help needed out there and it will be highly appreciated!

   – What to Do

Now you’ve got the majority of the logistical things taken care of, you can ask yourself the fun question: what exactly will you do?! It’s a big world out there, full of excitement and fulfilling activities and adventures, so spend some time thinking about what you’d like to do. You might find it most rewarding to find a cause that’s close to your heart and put yourself on the front line as a volunteer now. Or you might just want to go for activity and adventure holidays for a while and take yourself whichever way the wind blows….

 What Is Essential For Living
Go for activity and adventure holidays for a while whichever way the wind blows ..

   – Remember What Is Essential For Living

You’ll have nerves and plenty of doubts before you plunge into your new (temporary) life. Whatever you do, don’t let these thoughts beat you into submission, because you’ll most definitely be making the right decision. Life is for living! You’ve been working hard for years and years, now’s the time to get cut loose for a while and widen your horizons!

Thanks a lot for being such a wonderful loyal part of Klaudia’s Corner community,

Best Klaudia xx
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Silly Mummy
Silly Mummy
7 years ago

I think people can get great experiences out of doing this. It is important to realise that there are more important things in life than a career.

Debbie Harris
7 years ago

Great read Claudia! It’s all about taking care of yourself.

jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
7 years ago

We took a sabbatical when we sold my dental practice and it was the best thing ever!! Talk about learning to enjoy life again!

Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond
7 years ago

I absolutely agree and I worry about my daughter. She is the main bread winner of the family with a high powered career in HR for a top tier accounting firm. She struggles to be a career person, wife and mother and I wish I could make her realise that life is too short. In saying that she is a wonderful wife and mother and when she isn’t at work it is all about her family. She does need to also have time for herself though.